Description This product is a series of gridded abundance maps of Cyanobacteria in the North Sea from 2007-2008 at four different depth ranges. There is an overall high abundance of Cyanobacteria in the surface layer. Higher abundance values are visible in layer from 10-30m depth (thermocline around 20m). Micro-organisms as these are vital for the functioning of marine food webs (considered in MSFD descriptor 4) and are the main drivers of the global biogeochemical cycles. This product was developed with DIVA (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis). Data was provided by NIOZ (C. Brussaard).
Citation: European Marine Observation Data Network (EMODnet) Biology project (, funded by the European Commission’s Directorate - General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE). Author VLIZ, NIOZPNG file - 123.93 kB - 2 834 x 2 362 pixelsadded on 2015-10-015 744 viewsPart of dataset Gridded abundance maps of microorganisms from the North Sea