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Bucquoy et al. (1887-1898, pl. 60)
Bucquoy et al. (1887-1898, pl. 60)
Description 1 – 3. Tapes rhomboides 4 – 5. Tapes rhomboides var. lepidula 6. Tapes rhomboides var. radiata 7. Tapes rhomboides var. edulis 8. Tapes rhomboides var. heligmogramma 9. Tapes rhomboides var. major 10 – 12. Tapes rhomboides var. curta 13. Tapes rhomboides var. marmorea Author Anoniem in Bucquoy et al. (1887-1898) JPG file - 751.06 kB - 1 612 x 2 754 pixels added on 2008-07-22919 viewsFrom reference Bucquoy, E. et al. (1887-1898). Les Mollusques marins du ...
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