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Plexechinus (apical systems)
Plexechinus (apical systems)
Description Plate pattern of apical systems. a. Plexechinus cinctus: The system is twice interrupted by interambulacral plates; the anterior fused genital plate G2 / G3 is perforated by two gonopores, the posterior genital plates G1 and G4 are not perforated. b. Plexechinus aoteanus/parvus/planus: The apical plates are just contiguous or just not, in G2/G3 only one genital pore is developed, G1 and G4 are each perforated by a gonopore. c. Plexechinus spectabilis: The apical system is compact, in G2/G3 two genital pores are present and G1 and G4 are also perforated by gonopores. d. Plexechinus sulcatus: The apical system is triply disjunct. the anterior genital plate is perforated by two gonopores, the posterior gonopores are lacking. (The genital plates are shaded in red, the ocular plates in blue, interambulacral plates in grey.)
Scale a.-c. 4 mm, d. 5 mm.
Author Mooi, Rich JPG file - 113.76 kB - 1 654 x 606 pixels added on 2009-02-23766 viewsFrom reference Schultz, H. (2009). Sea urchins II: Worldwide irregular d... © 2009 Mooi, Rich
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