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Germania Inferior id est, XVII Provinciarum ejus novae et exactae Tabulae Geographicae, cum Luculentis Singularum descriptionibus additis à Petro MontanoZwin
Germania Inferior id est, XVII Provinciarum ejus novae et exactae Tabulae Geographicae, cum Luculentis Singularum descriptionibus additis à Petro Montano
Description The distortion grid and the displacement vectors provide a representation of the geometric accuracy of the map and were generated using MapAnalyst (Jenny & Hurni 2011). Author Kaerius, Petrus JPG file - 3.40 MB - 5 000 x 4 957 pixels added on 2016-03-18253 viewsMap based on Jenny, B.; Hurni, L. (2011). Studying cartographic herita...
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