
Call for abstracts VLIZ Marine Science Day 2018

11/22/2017 - 16:20
The VLIZ Marine Science Day has become an established event for all marine and coastal scientists in Flanders and its neighbouring regions. Would you like to present your marine research or activities on 21 March 2018 at the MEC Staf Versluys center in Bredene? Send us an abstract before 14 January and indicate if you want to participate in the competition of oral and poster presentations, or...

Call VLIZ Marine Science Awards 2017

11/21/2017 - 14:44
Each year, the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) organizes its marine scientific prizes. Discover here what prizes you qualify for. New this year is the VLIZ Bachelor Thesis Award.

European culinary contest for young and future professional chefs: opting for sustainable seafood - new deadline: 14.01

10/27/2017 - 15:00
The 2018 edition of the culinary contest Olivier Roellinger is officially launched now. The competition is open to young and future chefs who want to contribute to the conservation of marine resources and the protection of the seas and ocean. Deadline for submission is due 14 January. The Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) is partner and hopes to welcome a lot of applications from Belgium and The...

A Sea Change for Ocean Literacy: Co-exploring ocean topics and issues

10/24/2017 - 12:18
From Monday 30 October 2017 to Friday 17 November 2017, ‘Sea Change’ organizes a three-part seminar series. Topics and issues related to our ocean and seas, as well as their future societal importance, will be discussed. We invite all people with an interest in marine science education to participate.

Ecodesign Challenge stimulates ideas to tackle the plastic soup

10/16/2017 - 10:22
How can we get rid of the plastic soup? One hundred and forty students tried to answer this question during the OVAM Ecodesign Challenge 2017, a 2-day event at which students brainstormed on a creative solution for a challenge posed by OVAM.

EMODnet Biology workshop in London identifies need for data products essential for users

10/13/2017 - 16:52
What data products can we develop based on marine biological data pumped into EMODnet Biology? Which tools are essential for management, policy, planning and education? The EMODnet Biology workshop in London (10 October 2017) held a brainstorm on these two questions with representatives of high level data users, such as the four European regional sea commissions, various global and transatlantic...

Marine Citizen Science: towards an engaged and ocean literate society

10/13/2017 - 10:42
Citizen Science is a new research approach that is rapidly gaining interest, especially in marine and maritime sciences. On a voluntary basis, citizens help scientists by gathering and analyzing data in a scientifically sound way. With regard to the ocean, Citizen Science has a special role to play. The vastness of the ocean and the lack of connection most people feel with the blue part of our...

Looking back at the first VLIZ Science Symposium: the Ocean and Human Health

10/10/2017 - 15:07
The first VLIZ Science Symposium of 6 September has been passed for a couple of weeks. The presence of the two laureates of the Delcroix Prize, which were presented on a previous day, in Ostend was the direct reason for the organization of a scientific symposium on ‘the Ocean and Human Health’. Ten excellent speakers working in this multidisciplinary research theme gave insight into their research...

The ROV Genesis for everyone

09/11/2017 - 15:01
Did you know that VLIZ puts the ROV Genesis at the disposal of the entire marine research community? As a marine scientist, you can make use of the Remotely Operated Vehicle for your research, both nationally and internationally. A brand-new animated film illustrates the working and functions of the ROV.

Birdcage at VOC Ostend with the financial support of VLIZ

08/25/2017 - 15:55
A new block of birdcages is operational at the Wildlife Rescue Centre Ostend. This infrastructure has been realized with the financial support of a.o. VLIZ. The birdcage serves for birds to recover, but functions as well as an enclosed environment to conduct research on birds.

A science-art connection: students explore the world of algae

06/27/2017 - 11:32
What are algae? And why are they so important to us? These are questions rarely asked to students in Multimedia Technology at the Karel de Grote College (KdG) or the High School of Arts Sint-Lucas in Gent. Yet these were the subjects they digged in to during the past few months. Earlier this year both groups of students were introduced into the world of ‘algology’ and were challenged to make...

Towards a better data transfer to and from the maritime economy

04/20/2017 - 10:30
The COLUMBUS project published the document ‘'Use and sharing of marine observations and data by industry' that addresses the specific needs, bottlenecks and challenges regarding the use of marine data by the industry. The publication contains a number of recommendations and some good practices in order to obtain a better data flow from and to the maritime economy, and to enhance Blue Growth.

Marine recreational fishermen will voluntarily register catches from April 2017 onwards

03/30/2017 - 09:45
How many fish do Belgian marine recreational fishermen actually catch? Until today no exact answer can be given to this question so far, as data are lacking. However, this will change soon. From 1 April 2017 onwards, numerous recreational fishermen will contribute by reporting their catches on a voluntary basis to the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) and the Institute for Agricultural and...

Laureates scientific awards VLIZ 2016 presented

03/29/2017 - 14:58
On the occasion of the VLIZ Marine Science Day 2017 in the beginning of March the winners of all VLIZ scientific awards were announced. Every year VLIZ awards two Master Thesis Awards to graduation theses in marine sciences. The North Sea Award gives the recognition to innovative marine research. The laureate of the VLIZ Communication Award wins a year-long personal communication coaching. New...