20 / 06 / 2016
Photo: VLIZ - Stefanie Reynaert
The European project Sea Change (2015-2018) aims at increasing citizens’ appreciation of the ocean and raising their awareness about how intricately our daily lives are linked to the sea. The project has a major focus on the connection ‘human health - ocean health’.
Early 2016 (Jan-March) Sea Change organized the 'Think Big Think Ocean ideas contest' as part of their project. Citizens and organizations from all over Europe were invited to submit a video of max. 2 minutes, in which they explained or illustrated their idea for an event or an activity to increase people’s awareness about the link between humans and the ocean.
Of all 56 approved entries, a national winner was assigned for each of the seven project partnering countries. Additionally, one entry was awarded an overall European prize. Both the Belgian and European prize went to the non-profit organization Safe Coastal Tourism. This was founded by Caroline Danneels after the unfortunate loss of her son Bavo Verheyden, who drowned at sea in 2011. Caroline is strongly determined to make people more aware on the dangers of the sea. Hence, the idea she submitted for Sea Change - together with middle school student Jasper Stuer - is about raising awareness amongst young kids, by storytelling and game development, hoping to lessen the overall existing underestimation of the dangers of the sea.
Caroline Danneels and Jasper Stuer personally attended the awarding ceremony during the celebration of World Ocean Day 2016, organized by VLIZ on June 10th in Oostende.
The winning idea (check the video here) will now serve as a basis and inspiration for the organization of an event to raise awareness about the topic in Belgium in 2017.
For more information about the contest and the other national winners, check the Sea Change contest page 'Think Big, Think Ocean'.