This research group examines the influence of microbial systems on humans, and how human activities are changing how marine microbial systems function. We are studying microbial diversity patterns, trying to reveal how the presence of some species or communities conveys certain benefits towards human society. Our research combines traditional microscopy techniques with state-of-the-art flowcytometry, image-based classification, and DNA-based identification. Using these techniques, we study the presence of micro-algae, bacteria, and viruses in all compartments of the marine environment (water, air, soil).
Microscopic life - viruses, bacteria, archaea, and protists - are essential in any marine ecosystem. Their presence and diversity and the interactions among these organisms define the distribution and flow of essential elements (energy, carbon, etc.) in the ocean.

Human activities change and are affected by the functioning of microbial systems in the ocean. The species richness and genetic diversity within marine microbial communities result in an unmatched functional resilience that allows the microbial food web to adapt to a constantly changing environment. Yet, because of this large diversity, we are often unable to predict how microbial systems and their ecosystem services will respond to environmental changes.
Microbial research at VLIZ is focused on several topics. First, we investigate whether bacteria and microbial biochemicals (e.g., endotoxins, phospholipids, and phycotoxins) inside sea spray aerosols can instill human health benefits if inhaled. To this end, we track the presence of toxic algae and potential pathogens in our coastal waters. In addition, we are trying to unravel the mechanism behind sea spray aerosol formation. We do that by exploring whether the production and release of transparent exopolymer particles – either intentional, or through viral lysis and grazing – by phytoplankton plays a significant role in this process. Next, we are studying the viral diversity in the North Sea, discovering unknown host-virus pairs and the effect of viral lysis on microbial abundance. We also perform studies into the effect of man-made objects like windmills, shipwrecks, and unexploded ordnance on microbial communities.
Person of contact: Dr Maarten De Rijcke (
Recent and relevant publications
- De Rijcke, M., Shaikh, H.M., Mees, J., Nauwynck, H., Vandegehuchte, M.B., 2021. Environmental stability of porcine respiratory coronavirus in aquatic environments. PLoS One 16, e0254540.
- Karlson, B., Andersen, P., Arneborg, L., Cembella, A., Eikrem, W., John, U., West, J.J., Klemm, K., Kobos, J., Lehtinen, S., Lundholm, N., Mazur-Marzec, H., Naustvoll, L., Poelman, M., Provoost, P., De Rijcke, M., Suikkanen, S., 2021. Harmful algal blooms and their effects in coastal seas of Northern Europe. Harmful Algae 102, 101989.
- Van Acker, E., De Rijcke, M., Liu, Z., Asselman, J., De Schamphelaere, K.A.C., Vanhaecke, L., Janssen, C.R., 2021a. Sea Spray Aerosols Contain the Major Component of Human Lung Surfactant. Environ Sci Technol 55, 15989–16000.
- Van Acker, E., Huysman, S., De Rijcke, M., Asselman, J., De Schamphelaere, K.A.C., Vanhaecke, L., Janssen, C.R., 2021b. Phycotoxin-Enriched Sea Spray Aerosols: Methods, Mechanisms, and Human Exposure. Environ Sci Technol 55, 6184–6196.
- Van Landuyt, J., Kundu, K., Van Haelst, S., Neyts, M., Parmentier, K., De Rijcke, M., Boon, N., 2022. 80 years later: Marine sediments still influenced by an old war ship. Front Mar Sci 9.
This project on ship wrecks and ammunition in the North Sea provides tools allowing planners, response organizations, economic actors and other stakeholders to assess and propose solutions for risk mitigation.
In the North Sea, interactions between biological and mineral particles may underlie phytoplankton and sediment dynamics. Phytoplankton produces sticky marine gels that influence flocculation, floc size and settling velocity of mineral particles. In turn, higher settling velocities decrease turbidity, changing the underwater light conditions and fostering photosynthesis. BG-PART aims to obtain an integrated understanding of biotic and abiotic interactions that drive particle dynamics in the Belgian part of the North Sea.