Key Performance Indicator 3


Seven missions a year conducted with the vehicles and equipment of the Marine Robotics Centre. This number includes the multiple-day deployment of equipment over four consecutive days.


Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) Barabas is a torpedo-shaped robot which performs measurements of the water column, the seabed and the soil. It is capable of diving to a depth of 1300 metres and can remain submerged for up to 7 hours. The robot is ideally suited for mapping the seabed and heritage shipwrecks. Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) Adhemar exploits wave power for its propulsion while solar panels provide electricity for its measuring instruments. Since the power supply is largely dependent on renewable energy, the USV can perform measurements of water and atmosphere over long periods of time. Transferred by Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) to VLIZ in 2021, Glider Yoko is ideally suited for studying climate change in the ocean and conducting research into micronutrients in the ocean. 



missions, including 6 short-term campaigns and 26 multiple-day campaigns with equipment from the Marine Robotics Centre, such as USV Adhemar, AUV Barabas, the glider and autonomous measuring devices. The 32 missions accounted for 208 staff days at sea.

23 in 2022

KPI 3 2023