Key Performance Indicator 1


At least 90 (the average figure for 2021-2023) new or updated data sets published in Open Access.


A great deal of data are collected within the scope of Flemish marine research. Data supplied to VLIZ are archived and – with permission of the data owner – integrated into data systems or processed into data products so that they can be efficiently disclosed. To facilitate the search for data, VLIZ provides a detailed description of the data in data sets and discloses them via an online information system. The data can be requested online via the VLIZ website:

KPI 1 2023

Data sets

Average number of data sets provided by VLIZ to Flemish marine researchers via ‘Open Access’ publication in the period 2021–2023. The data sets are linked to the VLIZ data systems EurOBIS/EMODnet Biology, ScheldeMonitor, Aphia, European Tracking Network (ETN), LifeWatch observatory data and Marine Regions.

177 in 2022