This institute has changed, see institute underneath Centre for Maritime and Air Transport (UA-C-MAT), more
English name: Institute of Transport and Maritime Management Antwerp
Parent institute: Universiteit Antwerpen (UA), more
Thesaurus terms (7) : Economics; Harbour economics; Logistics; Logistics; Marine transportation; Supply chain management; Transport
Address: ITMMA House
Kipdorp 59 2000 Antwerp Belgium
| | Tel.: +32-(0)3-265 51 51
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Type: Scientific
1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Abstract: |
The Institute of Transport and Maritime Management (ITMMA) of the University of Antwerp is one of the first institutes in the world to offer highly specialised academic and practice-oriented maritime and logistics education and research. Aside from research, they offer MSc and PhD programs, and manage short-term courses, events and conferences.
The research activities of ITMMA cover various areas in the fields of transport, maritime economics and management. Research is performed on topics such as port and maritime transport, market organisation, (hinterland) transportation and the integration of transport and logistics. ITMMA develops quantitative techniques and management tools for strategic market analysis, policy formulation and logistic network optimisation.
The maritime research performed by ITMMA focuses on port and maritime economy and management with emphasis on port competitiveness, strategic port planning, maritime traffic forecasting, shipping networks, etc. |
Publications (138) |
Top | Persons | Projects |
( 86 peer reviewed ) split up filter
Notteboom, T. (2019). Skills and competences in maritime logistics: managerial and organizational emerging issues for human resources. Impresa Progetto 2019(3): 1-7., more
Fraser, D.R.; Notteboom, T.; Ducruet, C. (2016). Peripherality in the global container shipping network: the case of the Southern African container port system. GeoJournal 81(1): 139-151., more
Grushevska, K.; Notteboom, T. (2016). From centrality to intermediacy in the global transport network? Ukraine’s trials and tribulations as a potential transit country. Współczesna Gospodarka 7(3): 69-90, more
Vonck, I.; Notteboom, T. (2016). Panarchy within a port setting. J. Transp. Geogr. 51: 308-315., more
Chang, Z.; Notteboom, T.; Lu, J. (2015). A two-phase model for dry port location with an application to the port of Dalian in China. Transp. Plann. Technol. 38(4): 442-464., more
Fraser, D.; Notteboom, T. (2015). Institutional development paths in seaports: the southern African case. EJTIR 15(4): 506-535, more
Mitroussi, K.; Notteboom, T. (2015). Getting the work done: motivation needs and processes for seafarers and dock workers. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 14(2): 247-265., more
Rodrigue, P; Notteboom, T. (2015). Looking inside the box: evidence from the containerization of commodities and the cold chain. Marit. Policy Manage. 42(3): 207-227., more
Wang, S.; Notteboom, T. (2015). The role of port authorities in the development of LNG bunkering facilities in North European ports. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 14(1): 61-92., more
Chen, K.; Yang, Z.Z.; Notteboom, T. (2014). The design of coastal shipping services subject to carbon emission reduction targets and state subsidy levels. Transp. Res., Part E Logist. Trans. Rev. 61: 192-211., more
Fraser, D.; Notteboom, T. (2014). A strategic appraisal of the attractiveness of seaport-based transport corridors: the Southern African case. J. Transp. Geogr. 36: 53-68., more
Grushevska, K.; Notteboom, T.E. (2014). An economic and institutional analysis of the multi-port gateway regions in the Black Sea basin. J. Int. Logist. Trade 12(2): 3-35, more
Jacobs, W.; Lagendijk, A (2014). Strategic coupling as capacity: how seaports connect to global flows of containerized transport. Glob. Netw. 14(1): 44-62., more
Lam, J.S.L.; Notteboom, T. (2014). The greening of ports: a comparison of port management tools used by leading ports in Asia and Europe. Transp. Rev. 34(2): 169-189., more
Layaa, J.; Dullaert, W. (2014). Measuring and analysing terminal capacity in East Africa: The case of the seaport of Dar es Salaam. Maritime Economics & Logistics 16(2): 141-164., more
Li, J.Y.; Notteboom, T.E.; Jacobs, W. (2014). China in transition: institutional change at work in inland waterway transport on the Yangtze River. J. Transp. Geogr. 40: 17-28., more
Ng, Y; Ducruet, C; Jacobs, W.; Monios, J; Notteboom, T.; Rodrigue, P; Slack, B; Tam, C; Wilmsmeier, G (2014). Port geography at the crossroads with human geography: between flows and spaces. J. Transp. Geogr. 41: 84-96., more
Notteboom, T.; Lam, J.S.L. (2014). Dealing with uncertainty and volatility in shipping and ports. Marit. Policy Manage. 41(7): 611-614., more
Pallis, A.A.; Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T.E. (2014). Cruises and cruise ports: structures and strategies. RTBM 13: 1-5., more
Wang, G.W.Y.; Pallis, A.A.; Notteboom, T.E. (2014). Incentives in cruise terminal concession contracts. RTBM 13: 36-42., more
Wang, S.; Notteboom, T. (2014). Shipowners' structure and fleet distribution in the liquefied natural gas shipping. Int. J. Shipp. Transp. Logist. 6(5): 488-512., more
Wang, S.; Notteboom, T. (2014). The adoption of liquefied natural gas as a ship fuel: a systematic review of perspectives and challenges. Transp. Rev. 34(6): 749-774., more
Chen, T.; Lee, P.T.-W.; Notteboom, T. (2013). Shipping line dominance and freight rate practices on trade routes: the case of the Far East-South Africa trade. Int. J. Shipp. Transp. Logist. 5(2): 155-173., more
Feng, L.; Notteboom, T. (2013). Peripheral challenge by Small and Medium Sized Ports (SMPs) in Multi-Port Gateway Regions: the case study of northeast of China. Pol.Marit.Res. 20: 55-66., more
Notteboom, T.; Cullinane, K.; Sanchez, R.; Wilmsmeier, G. (2013). Editorial. Special Issue on Advancing Shipping and Seaports in a Changing Global Economic Landscape. Int. J. Shipp. Transp. Logist. 5(4-5): 367-372, more
Notteboom, T.; De Langen, P.; Jacobs, W. (2013). Institutional plasticity and path dependence in seaports: interactions between institutions, port governance reforms and port authority routines. J. Transp. Geogr. 27: 26-35., more
Notteboom, T.; Cariou, P. (2013). Slow steaming in container liner shipping: is there any impact on fuel surcharge practices?, in: Xu, J. et al. (Ed.) Special Issue: Strategic management of ocean freight logistics in an ever‐changing global economy. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 24(1): pp. 73-86., more
Notteboom, T.E.; Pallis, A.A.; De Langen, P.W.; Papachristou, A. (2013). Advances in port studies: the contribution of 40 years Maritime Policy & Management. Marit. Policy Manage. 40(7): 636-653., more
Parola, F.; Notteboom, T.; Satta, G.; Rodrigue, J.P. (2013). Analysis of factors underlying foreign entry strategies of terminal operators in container ports. J. Transp. Geogr. 33: 72-84., more
Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T. (2013). The geography of cruises: itineraries, not destinations. Appl. Geogr. 38: 31-42., more
Chen, L.; Notteboom, T. (2012). Determinants for assigning value-added logistics services to logistics centers within a supply chain configuration. J. Int. Logist. Trade 10(1): 3-41, more
Cullinane, K.; Notteboom, T.; Sanchez, R.; Wilmsmeier, G. (2012). Costs, revenue, service attributes and competition in shipping. Maritime Economics & Logistics 14(3): 265-273., more
Ducruet, C.; Notteboom, T. (2012). The worldwide maritime network of container shipping: spatial structure and regional dynamics. Glob. Netw. 12(3): 395-423., more
Fraser, D.; Notteboom, T. (2012). Gateway and hinterland dynamics: the case of the Southern African container seaport system. Afr. J. Bus. Manag. 6(44): 10807-10825., more
Notteboom, T.; Rodrigue, J.-P. (2012). The corporate geography of global container terminal operators. Marit. Policy Manage. 39(3): 249-279., more
Notteboom, T.; Verhoeven, P.; Fontanet, M. (2012). Current practices in European ports on the awarding of seaport terminals to private operators: towards an industry good practice guide. Marit. Policy Manage. 39(1): 107-123., more
Notteboom, T.E. (2012). Towards a new intermediate hub region in container shipping? Relay and interlining via the Cape route vs. the Suez route. J. Transp. Geogr. 22: 164-178., more
Notteboom, T.E.; Pallis, A.; Farrell, S. (2012). Terminal concessions in seaports revisited. Marit. Policy Manage. 39(1): 1-5., more
Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T. (2012). Dry ports in European and North American intermodal rail systems: two of a kind? RTBM 5: 4-15., more
Wang, S.; Notteboom, T. (2012). The maritime shipment of LNG to Europe: dynamics in markets, ships and terminal projects. International Journal of Ocean Systems Management 1(3-4): 339-357., more
Wilmsmeier, G.; Cullinane, K.P.B.; Notteboom, T.; Sánchez, R.J. (2012). IAME 2011 - contemporary studies on maritime transport in Latin America. Marit. Policy Manage. 39(6): 549-554., more
Yang, Z.; Chen, K.; Notteboom, T. (2012). Optimal design of container liner services: interactions with the transport demand in ports. Maritime Economics & Logistics 14(4): 409-434., more
Engelen, S.; Norouzzadeh, P.; Dullaert, W.; Rahmani, B. (2011). Multifractal features of spot rates in the Liquid Petroleum Gas shipping market. Energy Econ. 33(1): 88-98., more
Goulielmos, A.M.; Kaselimi, V. (2011). A non-linear forecasting of container traffic: the case-study of the Port of Piraeus, 1973-2008. Int. J. Shipp. Transp. Logist. 3(1): 72-99., more
Jacobs, W.; Notteboom, T. (2011). An evolutionary perspective on regional port systems: the role of windows of opportunity in shaping seaport competition. Environ. Plann. A 43(7): 1674-1692., more
Kaselimi, E.N.; Notteboom, T.E.; De Borger, B. (2011). A game theoretical approach to competition between multi-user terminals: the impact of dedicated terminals. Marit. Policy Manage. 38(4): 395-414., more
Kaselimi, E.N.; Notteboom, T.E.; Pallis, A.; Farrell, S. (2011). Minimum Efficient Scale (MES) and preferred scale of container terminals. Res. Transp. Econ. 32(1): 71-80., more
Lam, J.S.L.; Yap, W.Y. (2011). Dynamics of liner shipping network and port connectivity in supply chain systems: Analysis on East Asia. J. Transp. Geogr. 19(6): 1272-1281., more
Lam, J.S.L.; Yap, W.Y. (2011). Container port competition and complementarity in supply chain systems:Evidence from the Pearl River Delta. Maritime Economics & Logistics 13(2): 102-120., more
Notteboom, T. (2011). An application of multi-criteria analysis to the location of a container hub port in South Africa. Marit. Policy Manage. 38(1): 51-79., more
Notteboom, T. (2011). The impact of low sulphur fuel requirements in shipping on the competitiveness of roro shipping in Northern Europe. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 10(1): 63-95., more
Pallis, A.A.; Vitsounis, T.K.; De Langen, P.W.; Notteboom, T.E. (2011). Port economics, policy and management: Content classification and survey. Transp. Rev. 31(4): 445-471., more
Raa, B.; Dullaert, W.; Van Schaeren, R. (2011). An enriched model for the integrated berth allocation and quay crane assignment problem. Exp. Syst. Appl. 38(11): 14136-14147., more
Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T.; Pallis, A. (2011). The financialization of the port and terminal industry: revisiting risk and embeddedness. Marit. Policy Manage. 38(2): 191-213., more
Tavasszy, L.; Minderhoud, M.; Perrin, J.-F.; Notteboom, T. (2011). A strategic network choice model for global container flows: specification, estimation and application. J. Transp. Geogr. 19(6): 1163-1172., more
Veenstra, A.; Notteboom, T. (2011). The development of the Yangtze River container port system. J. Transp. Geogr. 19(4): 772-781., more
Verbraeken, D.; Notteboom, T. (2011). Land productivity of seaport terminals: the role of exogenous factors. International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management 3(3-4): 219-237., more
Wilmsmeier, G.; Notteboom, T. (2011). Determinants of liner shippping network configuration: a two-region comparison. GeoJournal 76(3): 213-228., more
Yap, W.Y.; Notteboom, T. (2011). Dynamics of liner shipping service scheduling and their impact on container port competition. Marit. Policy Manage. 38(5): 471-485., more
Zamparini, L.; Layaa, J.; Dullaert, W. (2011). Monetary values of freight transport quality attributes: a sample of Tanzanian firms. J. Transp. Geogr. 19(6): 1222-1234., more
Engelen, S.; Dullaert, W. (2010). Designing a decision support model for the LNG market. Transp. Plann. Technol. 33(8): 719-731., more
Engelen, S.; Dullaert, W. (2010). Transformations in gas shipping: market structure and efficiency. Maritime Economics & Logistics 12(3): 295-325., more
Notteboom, T. (2010). From multi-porting to a hub port configuration: the South African container port system in transition. Int. J. Shipp. Transp. Logist. 2(2): 224-245., more
Notteboom, T.; Verhoeven, P. (2010). The awarding of seaport terminals to private operators: European practices and policy implications. Eur. Trans. = Trasp. eur. 45: 83-101, more
Notteboom, T.E. (2010). Concentration and the formation of multi-port gateway regions in the European container port system: an update. J. Transp. Geogr. 18(4): 567-583., more
Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T. (2010). Guest editorial: Comparative North American and European gateway logistics – An introduction. J. Transp. Geogr. 18(4): 495-496., more
Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T. (2010). Comparative North American and European gateway logistics: the regionalism of freight distribution. J. Transp. Geogr. 18(4): 497-507., more
Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T. (2010). Foreland-based regionalization: integrating intermediate hubs with port hinterlands. Res. Transp. Econ. 27(1): 19-29., more
Theys, C.; Notteboom, T.E.; Pallis, A.; De Langen, P.W. (2010). The economics behind the awarding of terminals in seaports: towards a research agenda. Res. Transp. Econ. 27(1): 37-50., more
Theys, C.; Notteboom, T. (2010). Determining terminal concession durations in seaports: theoretical considerations, applicable techniques and current practices. J. Int. Logist. Trade 8(1): 13-40, more
Engelen, S.; Dullaert, W.; Vernimmen, B. (2009). Market efficiency within dry bulk markets in the short run: a multi-agent system dynamics Nash equilibrium. Marit. Policy Manage. 36(5): 385-396., more
Leal, E.; Notteboom, T.; Sánchez, R.J. (2009). Distribución espacial de la actividad portuaria: notas teóricas y metodológicas para su modelación e investigación = Spatial distribution of port activity: theoretical and methodological notes for modeling and research. Multidiscip. Bus. Rev. 2(1): 19-35, more
Notteboom, T.; Vernimmen, B. (2009). The effect of high fuel costs on liner service configuration in container shipping. J. Transp. Geogr. 17(5): 325-337., more
Notteboom, T.E. (2009). Complementarity and substitutability among adjacent gateway ports. Environ. Plann. A 41(3): 743-762., more
Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T. (2009). The geography of containerization: half a century of revolution, adaptation and diffusion. GeoJournal 74(1): 1-5., more
Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T. (2009). The terminalization of supply chains: reassessing the role of terminals in port/hinterland logistical relationships. Marit. Policy Manage. 36(2): 165-183., more
Notteboom, T.; Rodrigue, J.-P. (2008). Containerisation, box logistics and global supply chains: The integration of ports and liner shipping networks. Maritime Economics & Logistics 10(1-2): 152-174., more
Pallis, A.A.; Notteboom, T.E.; De Langen, P.W. (2008). Concession agreements and market entry in the container terminal industry. Maritime Economics & Logistics 10(3): 209-228., more
Theys, C.; Ryoo, D.K.; Notteboom, T. (2008). Towards a generic framework for the development of logistics in seaports: lessons from the Busan case. J. Int. Logist. Trade 6(2): 22 pp, more
Wiegmans, B.W.; Van Der Hoest, A.; Notteboom, T.E. (2008). Port and terminal selection by deep-sea container operators. Marit. Policy Manage. 35(6): 517-534., more
Vernimmen, B.; Dullaert, W.; Geens, E.; Notteboom, T.; T'Jollyn, B.; Van Gilsen, W.; Winkelmans, W. (2007). Underground logistics systems: a way to cope with growing internal container traffic in the port of Antwerp? Transp. Plann. Technol. 30(4): 391-416., more
Notteboom, T.; Merckx, F. (2006). Freight integration in liner shipping: a strategy serving global production networks. Growth change 37(4): 550-569., more
Notteboom, T.E. (2006). Traffic inequality in seaport systems revisited. J. Transp. Geogr. 14(2): 95-108., more
Notteboom, T.E.; Rodrigue, J.-P. (2005). Port regionalization: towards a new phase in port development. Marit. Policy Manage. 32(3): 297-313., more
Notteboom, T.; Konings, R. (2004). Network dynamics in container transport by barge, in: Charlier, J. et al. Maritime and port economic geography. Belgeo: Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Geografie = Belgeo: Revue belge de Géographie = Belgeo: Belgian Journal of Geography, 2004(4): pp. 461-477., more
Notteboom, T.E. (2004). Container shipping and ports: an overview. Rev. Netw. Econ. 3(2): 86-106., more
- Grushevska, K.; Notteboom, T.; Ducruet, C. (2018). Intra vs. extra-regional connectivity of the Black Sea port system, in: Ducruet, C. (Ed.) Advances in shipping data analysis and modeling: tracking and mapping maritime flows in the age of big data. pp. 107-128, more
- Notteboom, T.; Rodrigue, J.-P. (2014). Cruisevaart: Wereldwijze trends en ontwikkelingen in kusthaven Zeebrugge, in: De Grote Rede 38. De Grote Rede: Nieuws over onze Kust en Zee, 38: pp. 15-19, more
- Notteboom, T. (2013). Maritime transportation and seaports, in: Rodrigue, J.-P. et al. (Ed.) The SAGE handbook of transport studies. pp. 83-101, more
- Notteboom, T. (2013). Transport policy instruments, in: Rodrigue, J.-P. et al. (Ed.) The SAGE handbook of transport studies. pp. 281-292, more
- Rodrigue, J.-P.; Slack, B.; Notteboom, T. (2013). Transport terminal governance, in: Rodrigue, J.-P. et al. (Ed.) The geography of transport systems. pp. 149-152, more
- Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T. (2013). Inland ports, in: Rodrigue, J.-P. et al. (Ed.) The geography of transport systems. pp. 152-157, more
- Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T. (2013). Transport costs, in: Rodrigue, J.-P. et al. (Ed.) The geography of transport systems. pp. 236-243, more
- Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T. (2013). Transport supply and demand, in: Rodrigue, J.-P. et al. (Ed.) The geography of transport systems. pp. 243-248, more
- Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T. (2013). The cruise industry, in: Rodrigue, J.-P. et al. (Ed.) The geography of transport systems. pp. 249-254, more
- Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T. (2013). Strategic maritime passages, in: Rodrigue, J.-P. et al. (Ed.) The geography of transport systems. pp. 30-41, more
- Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T. (2013). Transportation and economic development, in: Rodrigue, J.-P. et al. (Ed.) The geography of transport systems. pp. 226-236., more
- Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T.; Shaw, J. (Ed.) (2013). The SAGE handbook of transport studies. SAGE Publications: London. ISBN 978-1-84920-789-8. XV, 448 pp., more
- Slack, B.; Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T. (2013). The location of terminals, in: Rodrigue, J.-P. et al. (Ed.) The geography of transport systems. pp. 134-149, more
- Slack, B.; Notteboom, T. (2013). The nature of transport policy, in: Rodrigue, J.-P. et al. (Ed.) The geography of transport systems. pp. 280-285, more
- Kaselimi, V.; Notteboom, T. (2012). The value of opening terminals to private operators. Port technol. int. 55: 14-15, more
- Kaselimi, V.; Notteboom, T. (2012). The preferred scale of container terminals. Port technol. int. 53: 23-24, more
- Neyts, D.; Notteboom, T. (2012). Economische belang van havens, in: Maelfait, H. et al. (Ed.) Het Kustkompas: indicatoren als wegwijzers voor een duurzaam kustbeheer. pp. 59, more
- Notteboom, T. (2012). Havenarbeid en havengebonden tewerkstelling in de Vlaamse en Nederlandse havens, in: Gonsaeles, G. et al. (Ed.) Met have, goed & schip over de Schelde: Vijftien jaar evolutie inzake havengebeuren, logistiek en scheepvaart in de Scheldemonding. Jumbileumboek Maritiem Symposium. pp. 145-171, more
- Notteboom, T. (2012). Container shipping, in: Talley, W.K. (Ed.) The Blackwell companion to maritime economics. pp. 230-262., more
- Notteboom, T.; Yap, W.Y. (2012). Port competition and competitiveness, in: Talley, W.K. (Ed.) The Blackwell companion to maritime economics. pp. 549-570., more
- Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T. (2012). The cruise industry: itineraries, not destinations. Port technol. int. 54: 13-16, more
- Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T. (2012). North American maritime gateways logistics. Port technol. int. 55: 50-53, more
- Notteboom, T.; Cariou, P. (2011). Are bunker adjustment factors aimed at revenue-making or cost recovery? Empirical evidence on pricing strategies of shipping lines, in: Cullinane, K. (Ed.) International handbook of maritime economics. pp. 223-255, more
- Notteboom, T.; Rodrigue, J.-P. (2011). Challenges to and challengers of the Suez Canal. Port technol. int. 51: 14-17, more
- Notteboom, T.; Rodrigue, J.-P. (2011). Global networks in the container terminal operating industry. Part 2: The future direction of terminal networks. Port technol. int. 50: 13-16, more
- Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T. (2011). Port regionalization: improving port competitiveness by reaching beyond the port perimeter. Port technol. int. 52: 11-17, more
- Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T. (2011). Global networks in the container terminal operating industry. Part 1: How global are global terminal operators? Port technol. int. 49: 10-14, more
- Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T. (2011). The Panama Canal expansion: business as usual or game-changer? Port technol. int. 51: 10-12, more
- Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T. (2011). Dry ports and the maritime hinterland: gaining momentum. Port technol. int. 50: 21-24, more
- De Monie, G.; Rodrigue, J.-P.; Notteboom, T. (2010). Economic cycles in maritime shipping and ports: the path to the crisis of 2008, in: Hall, P. et al. (Ed.) Integrating seaports and trade corridors. pp. 13-30, more
- Notteboom, T. (2010). The development of container terminals in South Africa: towards a hub for sub-Saharan Africa? Meded. Zitt. K. Acad. Overzeese Wet. = Bull. séances Acad. r. sci. O.-m. 56(2): 179-194, more
- Notteboom, T. (2010). Effective liner service design and port selection by container shipping lines. Port technol. int. 47: 14-16, more
- Notteboom, T. (2010). Green concession agreements. How can port authorities integrate environmental issues in the terminal awarding process? Port technol. int. 47: 36-38, more
- Notteboom, T. (2010). Overslag van personenwagens in de Zeebrugse haven: wat schuilt er achter de grootste parkeerplaats van de wereld?, in: De Grote Rede 28. De Grote Rede: Nieuws over onze Kust en Zee, 28: pp. 9-13, more
- Notteboom, T.; Rodrigue, J.-P.; De Monie, G. (2010). Organizational and geographical ramifications of the 2008-2009 financial crisis on the maritime shipping and port industries, in: Hall, P. et al. (Ed.) Integrating seaports and trade corridors. pp. 31-46, more
- Theys, C.; Notteboom, T.; Pallis, A.A.; De Langen, P.W. (2010). The economics behind the awarding of terminals in seaports: towards a research agenda, in: Cullinane, K. (Ed.) International handbook of maritime business. pp. 232-266, more
- Yap, W.Y.; Notteboom, T. (2010). Unravelling dynamics in inter-container port relationships through an examination of liner service patterns, in: Cullinane, K. (Ed.) International handbook of maritime business. pp. 198-230, more
- Ducruet, C.; Notteboom, T.E.; De Langen, P. (2009). Revisiting inter-port relationships under the new economic geography research framework, in: Notteboom, T. et al. (Ed.) Ports in proximity: competition and coordination among adjacent seaports. pp. 11-28, more
- Notteboom, T. (2009). Path dependency and contingency in the development of multi-port gateway regions and multi-port hub regions, in: Notteboom, T. et al. (Ed.) Ports in proximity: competition and coordination among adjacent seaports. pp. 55-74, more
- Notteboom, T.; Ducruet, C.; De Langen, P.W. (2009). Ports in proximity: competition and coordination among adjacent seaports: introduction, in: Notteboom, T. et al. (Ed.) Ports in proximity: competition and coordination among adjacent seaports. pp. 1-10, more
- Notteboom, T.; Ducruet, C.; de Langen, P. (Ed.) (2009). Ports in proximity: competition and coordination among adjacent seaports. Ashgate: Aldershot. ISBN 978-0-7546-7688-1. 305 pp., more
- Notteboom, T.; Rodrigue, J.-P. (2009). Inland terminals within North American and European supply chains. Transp. commun. bull. Asia Pac. 78: 1-39, more
- Notteboom, T. (2008). Bundling of freight flows and hinterland network development, in: Konings, R. et al. (Ed.) The future of intermodal freight transport: Operations, design and policy. pp. 66-88, more
- Notteboom, T.; Theys, C. (2008). Market developments in figures, in: European Sea Ports Organisation ESPO Annual report 2007-2008. pp. 21-39, more
- Debisschop, K.; Gauderis, J.; Lyen, K.; Notteboom, T.; Siemonsma, H.; Vernimmen, B. (2007). Markt- en concurrentieanalyse. Verkenning maritieme toegang Kanaal Gent-Terneuzen. How-to Advisory nv/ITMMA/mtbs: Antwerpen. 163 + bijlage pp., more
- Notteboom, T. (2006). Containerbehandeling in de kusthavens Zeebrugge en Oostende: doorbraak of boot gemist?, in: De Grote Rede 17. De Grote Rede: Nieuws over onze Kust en Zee, 17: pp. 12-16, more
- Notteboom, T. (2006). De impact van de expansie van Chinese containerhavens op havenconcurrentie in Oost-Azië. Meded. Zitt. K. Acad. Overzeese Wet. = Bull. séances Acad. r. sci. O.-m. 51(2): 153-162, more
- Notteboom, T. (2006). Séminaire EMAR-INRETS. 40 ans de conteneurisation dans le cluster portuaire Zeebrugge, Anvers, Rotterdam. Institut national de recherche sur les transports et leur sécurité: Paris. , more
- Notteboom, T. (2004). Het modale schip in 2050, in: De Schelde in 2050: Studiedag, Provinciehuis Antwerpen 6 oktober 2004: abstractboek. pp. [1-20], more
- Notteboom, T. (2004). Het modale schip in 2050, in: Studiedag 'De Schelde in 2050', Antwerpen 6 oktober 2004: referatenboek. pp. 32-37, more
- Verbeke, A.; Notteboom, T. (2004). Studie naar de directe baten van de verruiming van de Westerschelde: een logistieke benadering. Eindrapport. European Centre for Strategic Analysis: Bergen op Zoom. 183 + annexes pp., more
- Notteboom, T. (2003). Het economisch belang van de Vlaamse havens: een overzicht, in: De Grote Rede 8. De Grote Rede: Nieuws over onze Kust en Zee, 8: pp. 12-16, more
Projects (2) |
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- A simulation model for the nautical access to the port of Antwerp, more
- COMPASS: Scientific Approach to Commercial Product Development and Assessment for the Maritime Industry, more