Ocean Decade meets Mission Ocean

Start date
End date
InnovOcean Campus, Jacobsenstraat 1, 8400 Ostend

De eventinformatie is ook beschikbaar op de Nederlandstalige webpagina.


Logos Ocean Decade meets Mission Ocean, Belgian Presidency of the European Council, UN Decade for Ocean Science, and EU Mission Ocean

This conference explored what skills we need to develop a sustainable blue economy. The report of the event can be consulted online in the VLIZ library.  

On 25 April 2024, the conference ‘Ocean Decade Meets Mission Ocean: Blue skills for a sustainable economy’ took place in Ostend, organised by the Flemish Unesco Commission (VUC), the Flemish Institute for the Sea (VLIZ), the Flemish-European Liaison Agency (VLEVA) and with the support of the Provincial Development Agency (POMWVL) and the Blue Cluster. The event was organised within the framework of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

In 2021, the UN General Assembly kicked off the ‘Ocean Decade for Sustainable Development’ to boost ocean science and knowledge creation by 2030. The EU also came up with a similar initiative in 2021 called ‘EU Mission Ocean and Waters’ that aims to protect and restore the health of our ocean and waters through research and innovation. The conference brought together experts from academia, policymakers, industry leaders and midfield actors to exchange knowledge and collaborate on the theme of blue skills.

Blue skills

‘Blue skills’ emphasises the importance of providing professionals with a basic understanding of ocean-climate-ecosystem interactions to enable the transition to a sustainable, resilient and socially just society. The conference explored how capacities, talents and skills can be used more optimally for a successful transition.

Future trajectory 

The concrete result of this day of interaction and collaboration? Policymakers, scientists, academics, NGOs and business leaders laid the foundations for a cross-sector future trajectory. This merged into a common commitment to a better understanding of the ocean, indispensable for developing a sustainable blue economy.

A crucial finding: the key lies in developing blue skills, in which a thorough knowledge of the ocean is central. This goes beyond mere technical expertise; it also includes essential soft skills needed to tackle complex challenges. In this context, we need to learn to better assess our impact on the ocean. And vice versa! This is where education plays an important role, from an early age. Because the ocean harbours a sea of untapped potential and vital knowledge - think, for example, of its influence as a regulator of the climate.


Coverbeeld "The Oceancast"

As part of the conference, The Oceancast was produced: a three-part podcast series on building a ‘blue economy’ driven by technological innovation. The Oceancast debates the challenges and opportunities for a sustainable blue economy. You will discover how UNESCO, Europe and Flanders can play a role in making that blue future a reality. And what skills are actually needed for that blue economy.

listen to The Oceancast on Spotify

Photo album

A review of the event in photos can be accessed via this link.


The full programme is available on this link.


The event took place at the InnovOcean Campus, Jacobsenstraat 1, Oostende. 

 Logo's Unesco Vlaamse Commissie, VLEVA, VLIZ