300th Anniversary of the Ostend Company - Scientific Conference

Start date
End date
InnovOecan Campus, Oostende

300 years ago, the General Indian Company, better known as the Ostend Company, was founded. Even if it only existed for a short period (1723-1731), the importance of the Ostend Company for maritime history cannot be underestimated and reaches far beyond the Belgian context, as it also concerns political, diplomatic, social, commercial, military, intercultural and global aspects of both European and Asian eighteenth-century history. The aim of this international conference is to shed light on a number of as yet unknown aspects, but also to reassess the state of the art from new perspectives or complementary and innovative angles.

The entire programme can be found here.


For those interested in attending the conference, please fill out the online registration form before 20 November. The cost of 30 Euros per diem is to cover lunch and coffee breaks.