The VLIZ Board is convened at least twice a year and consists of at least 12 members, partly nominated by the subsidising authorities, and partly independent members. The Board decides on everything not reserved for the General Assembly.
Composition of the Board
Six members nominated by the Flemish government
- Mr Carl Decaluwé, governor of West Flanders, president
- Mr Mark Andries
- Ms Daphné Dumery
- Ms Romina Vanhooren
- Mr Wouter Vanlouwe
- Ms Charlotte Verkeyn
Two members nominated by the province West Flanders
- Ms Hilde Decleer
- Mr Patrick De Klerck
Four independent members
- Mr Colin Janssen, vice president
- Mr Jean Berlamont
- Ms Inge Ceuppens
- Ms Ann Van Gysel
Two government commissioners
- Ms Annie Cool
- Ms Danielle Raspoet
Attend the meetings
- Mr Regis Debrulle
- Mr Gert Verreet
- Mr Jan Mees
- Ms Heidi Coussens