Co-financieringscodes: 3899 - Andere Eu-programma's en intiatieven
Acroniem: GEANS Periode: Maart 2019 tot Juni 2023 Status: Afgelopen
Thesaurustermen Dna sequencing; Milieumanagement; Milieumonitoring; Populatie, ecologische en evolutionaire genetica
Instituten (9) |
Top | Publicaties | Datasets |
- Instituut voor Landbouw-, Visserij- en Voedingsonderzoek (ILVO), meer, coördinator
- Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), meer, partner
- Deneudt, Klaas, co-promotor
- Hablützel, Pascal, partner
- Delacauw, Sander, partner
- Mortelmans, Jonas, partner
- Lagaisse, Rune, partner
- Heynderickx, Hanneloor
- University of Aarhus; Department of Geoscience, meer, partner
- Senckenberg Nature Research Society (SGN), meer, partner
- Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NBC), meer, partner
- Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS), meer, partner
- Wageningen University and Research Centre; University of Wageningen; Animal Sciences Group, meer, partner
- Nord University, meer, partner
- SeAnalytics, meer, partner
Abstract |
GEANS heeft als doel bestaande DNA-gebaseerde methoden te harmoniseren en te consolideren met oog op hun hun toepassing voor de beoordeling van de gezondheid van ecosystemen in de Noordzee-omgeving. Een DNA-sequentie-referentiebibliotheek zal worden gecompileerd, huidige methoden zullen worden geoptimaliseerd en gestandaardiseerd, genetische indicatoren zullen worden ontwikkeld en er zal een roadmap worden opgemaakt voor de implementatie voor het beheer. |
Datasets (22) |
Top | Instituten | Publicaties |
- eDNA Senckenberg: Carolin U., (2021) eDNA monitoring of Non-Indigenous Species in the harbor of Rostock, meer
- GRL: Christodoulou M.; Beentjes K.; van der Hoorn B., Van Den Bulcke, L., Derycke S., De Backer, A.; Martinez Arbizu P.; 2021; GEANS Reference Library, meer
- SBS BPNS: De Backer, A.; Wittoeck, J.; Van Den Bulcke, L.; Derycke S. (2019) DNA based soft bottom monitoring of macrobenthos in the framework of sand extraction at Belgian part of the North Sea by ILVO, meer
- NIS BE: Deneudt K., Hablutzel P., Delacauw, S. (2020) DNA-based benthic and planktonic species monitoring at the harbour of Ostend in 2020 by Flanders Marine Institute., meer
- eDNA ILVO: Derycke S., De Backer A., (2021) eDNA monitoring in offshore windmill farms in the BPNS, meer
- SBS BPNS RT: Derycke Sofie; 2020; DNA metabarcoding macrobenthos from the BPNS, meer
- SBS BPNS RT: Doorenspleet, K.; Nijland, R. (2020) DNA based soft bottom monitoring of sediment in the framework of ringtest at the Belgian North Sea by WUR, meer
- eDNA VLIZ: Hablützel P., Delacauw S., Heynderickx H., (2023) eDNA monitoring of Non-Indigenous Species (NIS) in the harbour of Ostend by Flanders Marine Institute., meer
- NIS DE: Martinez Arbizu P.; Khodami S.; Uhlir C.; Christodoulou M.; 2021; NIS Monitoring using eDNA case study, meer
- NIS DE: Martinez Arbizu P.; Uhlir C.; Khodami S.; Christodoulou M.; 2020; NIS Monitoring using eDNA case study, meer
- NIS DE: Martinez Arbizu P.; Uhlir C.; Khodami S.; Christodoulou M.; 2021; Long-term Monitoring case study, meer
- SBS FFHD: Martinez Arbizu; 2021; Flora Fauna Habitat Directive case study, meer
- SBS LtM: Martinez Arbizu; 2021; Long-term Monitoring case study, meer
- eDNA WUR: Nijland R., Doorenspleet K., (2021) Case study on use of long read metabarcoding in artificial reefs in the Dutch North Sea, meer
- HBS GEANS: Obst M., Stæhr P., Sundberg P., Reiss H., Daraghmeh N., Axberg A., Deneudt K., Hablutzel P., Mortelmans J., Delacauw S., Lagaisse R. (2019) Hard Bottom Substrate pilot GEANS, meer
- SBS BPNS RT: Sapkota Rumakanta, Anne Winding; 2020; DNA metabarcoding macrobenthos from the BPNS, meer
- SBS AU: Sapkota Rumakanta, Jørgen L.S. Hansen, Peter Anton Stæhr, Anne Winding, 2020; DNA metabarcoding macrobenthos from the Danish part of North Sea (DPNS), meer
- NIS SE: Sundberg P, Axberg A, Daragmeh N, Panova M, Obst M (2022) Genomics-based methods in environmental monitoring - Identification and detection of alien invasive species based on DNA. Report to the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SwAM / HaV). Report nr 2022:01. SeAnalytics AB., meer
- SBS BPNS RT: GEANS SBS pilot - 2020 DNA based soft bottom monitoring of macrobenthos in the framework of the ringtest at BPNS by Naturalis, meer
- SBS BPNS RT: GEANS SBS pilot - 2020 DNA based soft bottom monitoring of macrobenthos in the framework of the ringtest at BPNS by Nord University, meer
- SBS BPNS RT: GEANS SBS pilot - 2020 DNA based soft bottom monitoring of macrobenthos in the framework of the ringtest at BPNS by Senckenberg, meer
- GEANS Data: Genetic tools for Ecosystem health Assessment in the North Sea region, meer
Publicaties (3) |
Top | Instituten | Datasets |
- Van den Bulcke, L.; De Backer, A.; Wittoeck, J.; Beentjes, K.; Maes, S.; Christodoulou, M.; Martinez Arbizu, P.; Sapkota, R.; van der Hoorn, B.; Winding, A.; Hostens, K.; Derycke, S. (2023). DNA metabarcoding on repeat: sequencing data of marine macrobenthos are reproducible and robust across labs and protocols. Ecol. Indic. 150: 110207., meer
- Derycke, S.; Beentjes, K.; Christodoulou, M.; Hansen, J.L.S.; Khodami, S.; Kröncke, I.; Arbizu, P.M.; Sapkota, R.; Staehr, P.A.U.; Van den Bulcke, L.; Winding, A.; De Backer, A. (2023). DNA-based monitoring of soft sediments. Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO): Ostend. 57 pp., meer
- Martaeng, R.; Obst, M.; Kuklinski, P. (2023). Phylogeographic study using autonomous reef monitoring structures indicates fast range expansion of the invasive bryozoan Juxtacribrilina mutabilis. Hydrobiologia 2023: 1-12., meer