National cooperation agreements
Scientific institutions
In 2013, a cooperation agreement was concluded between the VLIZ and UHasselt, mainly related to biodiversity and taxonomic databases.
In 2012, a cooperation agreement was concluded between the VLIZ and the interfaculty marine research cluster Marine@UGent. Further cooperation agreements have been concluded with individual research groups or professors, mainly related to marine biodiversity data. In 2015, a cooperation agreement was concluded with the University of Ghent and the Rescue Center for Birds and Wildlife Ostend for the realization and operation of an experimental flight cage in the field of bird research.
In 2010, a cooperation agreement was concluded between the VLIZ and the UA, mainly concerning environmental effects Zeeschelde (OMES).
In 2008, a cooperation agreement was concluded between the VLIZ and the ULB, mainly related to mangroves.
In 2007 a cooperation agreement was concluded between the VLIZ and the VUB, mainly concerning mangroves.
In 2006, a cooperation agreement was concluded between the VLIZ and the KU Leuven, mainly. regarding databases, hydrodynamics, sediment mechanics and marine and estuarine biology.
Government agencies
In 2014, a cooperation agreement was concluded between the VLIZ and the provincial governor in the context of depot management for the implementation of the law on the protection of underwater cultural heritage.
In 2009, a cooperation agreement was concluded between the VLIZ and the FEA, mainly concerning databases related to monitoring transitional and coastal waters.
In 2007 a cooperation agreement was concluded between the VLIZ and the INBO, mainly concerning information exchange and data management for marine and coastal research.
In 2006, a cooperation agreement was concluded between the VLIZ and ILVO, mainly concerning monitoring data and fishery biological data.
In 2004, a cooperation agreement was concluded between the VLIZ and the Heritage Agency, mainly concerning maritime archaeology and sailing heritage.
In 2003, a cooperation agreement was concluded between the VLIZ and the MOW, mainly relating to the opening up and exchange of scientific information and exploitation of measurement data of tidal systems.
A cooperation agreement was concluded with the Coastal Division of MDK regarding the Flemish Banks Monitoring Network.
An operational cooperation agreement was concluded between the VLIZ and MUMM regarding the operational coordination of the RV Simon Stevin and the RV Belgica.
The VLIZ has a cooperation agreement with VLOOT dab governing the deployment and management of the research vessel Simon Stevin. In 2014, a side deed was signed for the optimization of sailing time with the RV Simon Stevin. A second by-law was signed in 2015 for a more flexible availability of the research vessel (outside the availability schedule), the deployment of the research vessel at public events and the vessel's engagement in ESFRIs (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) and other international collaborations of coordinated marine research.
Network organizations
In 2019, a cooperation agreement was concluded between the VLIZ and The Blue Cluster to promote cooperation in the areas of project operation, internationalization of research, scientific support, joint events and communication, as well as around the representation of the VLIZ in the management bodies of The Blue Cluster.
Multilateral cooperation
International Ocean Data and Information Exchange (IODE) Project Office for IOC UNESCO
European Commission Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE)
Bilateral cooperation agreements
- AZTI - Pasaia, Spain
VLIZ signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Basque AZTI. This research center has a strong marine expertise and is known for delivering cutting-edge products and technologies.
- Dirección General Intereses Marítimos (DIGEIM) - Quito, Ecuador
The VLIZ and the General Directorate of Maritime Affairs (DIGEIM) of the Ecuadorian Navy have been working together since 2008, but in 2020 they signed a Memorandum of Understanding to expand this collaboration. The agreement lists objectives such as the joint execution of marine research projects, strengthening ties between marine research networks in both countries, and the exchange of data, information and expertise across various themes.
- Instituto del Mar del Peru - Lima, Peru
In 2019, the Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE) and the Flemish Institute for the Sea (VLIZ) signed a Memorandum of Understanding. In doing so, they express the new partners' desire to build closer scientific cooperation and knowledge exchange. For example, future work could include exchanges of expertise and data, and mutual access to each other's research infrastructures such as research vessels and instruments.
- Ethic Ocean - Paris, France
In 2019, the cooperation agreement previously concluded in 2014 between the VLIZ and Ethic Ocean (then under their old name SeaWeb Europe) was renewed, with the Institute for Agricultural, Fisheries and Food Research (ILVO) as an additional partner. The MoU was established in the framework of the Belgian adaptation of their "Guide des espèces à l'usage des professionnels" and includes joint actions, the exchange of knowledge, data and information as well as the joint creation of derived products.
- NingBo University - NingBo, China
In 2016, a cooperation agreement was concluded between the VLIZ and Ningbo University (NBU) to promote mutual understanding and academic cooperation based on the principle of reciprocity. General areas of cooperation include exchange of personnel, joint research projects, exchange of information, academic materials and publications, and finally participation in academic conferences and seminars, or organization of academic conferences and seminars.
- University of California Santa Barbara - Santa Barbara, USA
In 2017, the VLIZ and the Benioff Ocean Initiative (BOI) of the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) signed an agreement to cooperate closely in marine research, exchange expertise and promote mobility of researchers.
- L'Institut des Sciences de la Mer de Rimouski (UQAR-ISMER) - Quebec, Canada
In 2015, a cooperation agreement was concluded between the VLIZ and the UQAR-ISMER to strengthen development in marine research between the two institutions. This provides for an exchange of research equipment and the development of research projects. It also benefits exchange projects of students, professors and scientific staff between the two institutes.
- Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) - Texel and Yerseke, the Netherlands
In 2013, a cooperation agreement was concluded between the VLIZ and the NIOZ to strengthen knowledge development for socially relevant issues. This involves promoting the availability and use of data for scientific research, management and policy development, developing joint research initiatives and making the best use of each other's facilities.
- Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) - Mombasa, Kenya
In 2012, a cooperation agreement was signed between the VLIZ and KMFRI to promote cooperation in marine sciences and the exchange of data, expertise and information. A website celebrating this renewed and historic collaboration, started with the Kenya-Belgium Project (KBP) in 1984, offers an extensive collection of marine publications, a photo gallery and recent developments in this collaboration.
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) - Sevastopol, Ukraine
Centro de Investigaciones de Biología Marina (CIBIMA) - University of Santo Domingo - Dominican Republic
Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras (INVEMAR) - Santa Marta, Colombia
Institut des Sciences de la Mer et du Littoral (ISML-ULCO) - Boulogne-sur-Mer, France
Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) - Barcelona, Spain
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology - Hamburg, Germany