Parent institute: Klaipeda University, more
Geographical term : Lithuania [Marine Regions]
Address: H. Manto 84
92294 Klaipeda Lithuania
| | Tel.: +370-(0)6-39 88 44
| |
Type: Scientific
Publications (2) |
Top | Projects | Datasets |
( 1 peer reviewed ) split up filter
- Derous, S.; Agardy, M. Tundi; Hillewaert, H.; Hostens, K.; Jamieson, G.; Lieberknecht, L.; Mees, J.; Moulaert, I.; Olenin, S.; Paelinckx, D.; Rabaut, M.; Rachor, E.; Roff, J.C.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Van der Wal, J.T.; Van Lancker, V.; Verfaillie, E.; Vincx, M.; Weslawski, J.M.; Degraer, S. (2007). A concept for biological valuation in the marine environment. Oceanologia 49(1): 99-128, more
- Derous, S.; Agardy, M. Tundi; Hillewaert, H.; Hostens, K.; Jamieson, G.; Lieberknecht, L.; Mees, J.; Moulaert, I.; Olenin, S.; Paelinckx, D.; Rabaut, M.; Rachor, E.; Roff, J.C.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Van der Wal, J.T.; Van Lancker, V.; Verfaillie, E.; Vincx, M.; Weslawski, J.M.; Degraer, S. (2008). A concept for biological valuation in the marine environment, in: Derous, S. Mariene biologische waardering als een beslissingsondersteunende techniek voor marien beheer. pp. 67-90, more
Projects (9) |
Top | Publications | Datasets |
- BIOMARE: Implementation and networking of large-scale long-term marine biodiversity research in Europe, more
- CHARM: Characterisation of the Baltic Sea Ecosystem: Dynamics and Function of Coastal Types, more
- ELME: European Lifestyles and Marine Ecosystems, more
- FOODWEBIO: Functioning of FOOD WEbs across ecosystems of different BIOdiversity level, more
- Impact of non-indigenous species introduced for aquaculture on the functioning of coastal marine ecosystems, more
- MarBEF: Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning - EU Network of Excellence, more
- MSP4BIO: Improved Science-Based Maritime Spatial Planning to Safeguard and Restore Biodiversity in a coherent European MPA network, more
- ROSEMEB: Role of Secondary Metabolites in Ecosystem Biodiversity, more
- SUBMARINER: Sustainable Uses of Baltic Marine Resources, more
Datasets (5) |
Top | Publications | Projects |
- Baltic Sea Alien Species Database, more
- Curonian Lagoon ecological monitoring, more
- Curonian Lagoon zooplankton survey, more
- Lithuanian Coastal Zone, more
- Lithuanian Economic Zone, more