- 4 Decades of Belgian Marine monitoring: uplifting historical data to today's needs, more
- Nohe A., Goffin A., Tyberghein L., Lagring R., De Cauwer K., Vyverman W., Sabbe K.; Ugent- Laboratory of Protistology & Aquatic Ecology; Flanders Marine Institute; Belgian Marine Data Center; (2020): Marked changes in diatom and dinoflagellate biomass, composition and seasonality in the Belgian Part of the North Sea between the 1970s and 2000s. Marine Data Archive., more
- Nohe A., Knockaert C., Goffin A., Dewitte E., De Cauwer K., Desmit X., Vyverman W., Tyberghein L., Lagring R., Sabbe K.; Ugent- Laboratory of Protistology & Aquatic Ecology; Flanders Marine Institute; Belgian Marine Data Center; (2018): Marine phytoplankton community composition data from the Belgian part of the North Sea, 1968-2010. VLIZ., more
A1 Publications (4) [show] |
Desmit, X.; Nohe, A.; Borges, A.V.; Prins, T.; De Cauwer, K.; Lagring, R.; Van der Zande, D.; Sabbe, K. (2020). Changes in chlorophyll concentration and phenology in the North Sea in relation to de-eutrophication and sea surface warming. Limnol. Oceanogr. 65(4): 828-847. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/lno.11351, more
- Nohe, A.; Goffin, A.; Tyberghein, L.; Lagring, R.; De Cauwer, K.; Vyverman, W.; Sabbe, K. (2020). Marked changes in diatom and dinoflagellate biomass, composition and seasonality in the Belgian Part of the North Sea between the 1970s and 2000s. Sci. Total Environ. 716: 136316. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136316, more
- Sabbe, K.; Nohe, A.; Tyberghein, L.; Lagring, R.; De Cauwer, K.; Vyverman, W. (2019). Long-term phytoplankton change in a heavily impacted coastal area in the North Sea between the 1970s and 2000s. Eur. J. Phycol. 54(sup1): 67. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09670262.2019.1626627, more
Nohe, A.; Knockaert, C.; Goffin, A.; Dewitte, E.; De Cauwer, K.; Desmit, X.; Vyverman, W.; Tyberghein, L.; Lagring, R.; Sabbe, K. (2018). Marine phytoplankton community composition data from the Belgian part of the North Sea, 1968-2010. Scientific Data 5: 180126. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2018.126, more
Thesis [show] |
Nohe, A. (2019). Long-term trends in phytoplankton biomass, composition and dynamics in the Belgian part of the North Sea. PhD Thesis. Ghent University: Gent. 194 pp., more
Abstracts (7) [show] |
Nohe, A; Goffin, A.; Tyberghein, L; Lagring, R.; De Cauwer, K.; Vyverman, W.; Sabbe, K. (2018). The impact of decades of human-induced environmental change on phytoplankton communities in the Belgian part of the North Sea, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Bredene, Belgium, 21 March 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 80: pp. 23, more
Nohe, A.; Goffin, A.; Tyberghein, L.; Lagring, R.; De Cauwer, K.; Vyverman, W.; Sabbe, K. (2018). The impact of decades of environmental change on phytoplankton communities in the Belgian part of the North Sea, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – 53rd European Marine Biology Symposium. Oostende, Belgium, 17-21 September 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 82: pp. 54, more
De Blok, R.; Nohe, A.; Tyberghein, L.; Deneudt, K.; Mortelmans, J.; Gkritzalis, T.; Sabbe, K.; Vyverman, W. (2016). HPLC-pigment fingerprinting for long-term monitoring of coastal phytoplankton, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 12 February 2016. VLIZ Special Publication, 75: pp. 34, more
Nohe, A.; Lagring, R.; De Cauwer, K.; Goffin, A.; Tyberghein, L.; Deneudt, K.; Desmit, X.; Vyverman, W.; Sabbe, K. (2016). Long-term phytoplankton monitoring data (1970-2010) from the Belgian North Sea reveal shifts in seasonal dynamics and community composition, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) North Sea Open Science Conference 7-10/11/2016. Abstract Booklet. pp. 52, more
Nohe, A.; Lagring, R.; De Cauwer, K.; Goffin, A.; Tyberghein, L.; Deneudt, K.; Vyverman, W.; Sabbe, K. (2016). Long-term phytoplankton monitoring data (1970-2015) from the Belgian North Sea reveal shifts in community composition and seasonal dynamics, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 12 February 2016. VLIZ Special Publication, 75: pp. 83, more
Nohe, A.; Tyberghein, L.; Goffin, A.; De Cauwer, K.; Lagring, R.; Deneudt, K.; Vyverman, W.; Sabbe, K. (2015). Phytoplankton composition and biomass changes during the last four decades in the Belgian Coastal Zone – An analysis of historical and present data, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 20 February 2015. VLIZ Special Publication, 71: pp. 98-99, more
Tyberghein, L.; Borges, A.V.; Deneudt, K.; Desmit, X.; De Witte, B.; Gauquie, J.; Goffin, A.; Lagring, R.; Nohe, A.; Sabbe, K.; Strobbe, F.; Van der Zande, D.; De Cauwer, K. (2015). 4 decades of Belgian marine monitoring: uplifting historical data to today's needs – 4DEMON, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 20 February 2015. VLIZ Special Publication, 71: pp. 135, more
Report [show] |
Lagring, R.; De Witte, B.; Bekaert, K.; Borges, A.V.; Desmit, X.; Le, H.M.; Nohe, A.; Sabbe, K.; Strobbe, F.; Tyberghein, L.; Vandenberghe, T.; Van der Zande, D. (2018). 4 Decades of Belgian Marine Monitoring: uplifting historical data to today’s needs - Final Report. Belgian Science Policy Office/BRAIN-be (Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks): Brussels. 104 pp., more
Other publication [show] |
Nohe, A.; Lagring, R.; De Cauwer, K.; Goffin, A.; Tyberghein, L.; Deneudt, K.; Vyverman, W.; Sabbe, K. (2016). Long-term phytoplankton monitoring data (1970- 2010) from the Belgian North Sea reveal shifts in community composition and seasonal dynamics. Poster at the VLIZ Marine Scientist Day 12 February 2016. Ghent University: Gent. 1 poster pp., more
Thesis supervisor [show] |
- Labatt, C.K. (2016). Long-term phytoplankton trends in the Belgian North Sea (2002-2015): patterns and potential causes. MSc Thesis. Oceans & Lakes, Interuniversity Master in Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management: Antwerpen, Gent and Brussel. 59 pp., more