
Blue economy Climate Sea & health

Bioplastics in the marine environment, better than petroleum-based plastics?

09/18/2024 - 10:52
Bioplastics* cannot be seen as the ‘holy grail’ for the marine plastic problem after all. The research by Zhiyue Niu, PhD student at Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) and UGent, shows that bioplastics also break down into microplastic particles under the influence of UV radiation and wave action, albeit to a lesser extent than the usual petroleum-based plastics. Bioplastics also leak their...
Climate Technology & innovation

Belgian researchers witness spectacular climate-driven landslide and tsunami that shakes earth for nine days

09/11/2024 - 17:52
For nine days in September 2023, researchers observed an unprecedented seismic signal. The cause of this mysterious ‘earth tremor’ turned out to be a giant landslide in Greenland: a mass of 25 million m3 of rock and ice came loose and thundered into the Dickson Fjord. This created a 200 metre high megatsunami that kept sloshing back and forth in the narrow fjord for nine days, a phenomenon known...
Biodiversity Climate

H. M. Queen Mathilde visits Flanders Marine Institute

09/03/2024 - 14:12
On Tuesday 3 September 2024, Her Majesty the Queen visited the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ). The visit was framed within the United Nations' Agenda 2030, and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), through which the international community aims to address major global challenges such as poverty, climate change, or increasing inequalities.

Southern Ocean absorbing more CO2 than previously thought, study finds

07/24/2024 - 14:05
New research led by the University of East Anglia (UEA) and Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) – in collaboration with several partners including VLIZ – has found that the Southern Ocean absorbs more carbon dioxide (CO 2) than previously thought. Using direct measurements of CO 2 exchange or fluxes between air and sea, the scientists found that the ocean around Antarctica absorbs 25% more CO 2 than...
Biodiversity Blue economy The sea before Climate Technology & innovation Sea & health

Showcase your research at the VLIZ Marine Science Day 2024!

11/10/2023 - 11:18
Be part of the programme of VLIZ Marine Science Day 2024 on 6 March 2024 at De Grote Post in Oostende. The #VMSD24 – formally framed within the Belgian EU Presidency – will revolve entirely around the EU Mission Ocean & Waters, and its three main themes: ocean pollution, climate/carbon, and biodiversity. Make your own research part of the #VMSD24 programme and submit an abstract by 12 January 2024...
Climate Technology & innovation

Strengthening the Surface Ocean Carbon Value Chain

11/06/2023 - 13:41
Between 6 and 9 November 2023, over a hundred ocean carbon scientists from around the world are gathered at the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) in Oostende, Belgium, to review the status of the Surface Ocean Carbon Value Chain and decide on specific improvements to the structure, process and resulting delivery of critical information towards policy makers. In the near future this will be done by...