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BlackSea source details

Margulis, L.; Schwartz, K.V. (1998). Five Kingdoms: an illustrated guide to the Phyla of life on earth. 3rd edition. Freeman: New York, NY (USA). ISBN 0-7167-3027-8. xx, 520 pp.
Margulis, L.; Schwartz, K.V.
Five Kingdoms: an illustrated guide to the Phyla of life on earth. 3rd edition.
Freeman: New York, NY (USA). ISBN 0-7167-3027-8. xx, 520 pp.
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
BibTex (BibDesk, LaTeX)
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z

Acanthocephala (basis of record)
Animalia (basis of record)
Annelida (additional source)
Appendicularia (basis of record)
Arthropoda (basis of record)
Ascomycota (basis of record)
Biota (basis of record)
Bryozoa (basis of record)
Cephalochordata (basis of record)
Chaetognatha (basis of record)
Chlorophyceae (additional source)
Chlorophyta (basis of record)
Chordata (basis of record)
Ciliophora (basis of record)
Cnidaria (basis of record)
Ctenophora (basis of record)
Cyanobacteria (basis of record)
Demospongiae (additional source)
Dinoflagellata (additional source)
Dinomastigota accepted as Dinophyta accepted as Dinophyceae (basis of record)
Echinodermata (basis of record)
Foraminifera (basis of record)
Fungi (basis of record)
Gastrotricha (basis of record)
Gnathostomata (basis of record)
Gracilicutes (basis of record)
Granuloreticulosa (basis of record)
Gymnolaemata (basis of record)
Haptomonada accepted as Haptophyta (basis of record)
Labyrinthulata accepted as Bigyra (basis of record)
Larvacea accepted as Appendicularia (basis of record)
Mammalia (basis of record)
Mollusca (basis of record)
Nematoda (basis of record)
Nemertina represented as Nemertea (basis of record)
Phaeophyta accepted as Phaeophyceae (basis of record)
Pisces (basis of record)
Plantae (basis of record)
Platyhelminthes (basis of record)
Polychaeta (additional source)
Prasinophyceae (additional source)
Protozoa (basis of record)
Rhodophyceae accepted as Rhodophyta (basis of record)
Rhodophyta (additional source)
Rotifera (basis of record)
Tardigrada (basis of record)
Tetrapoda (basis of record)
Tunicata (basis of record)
Ulvophyceae (additional source)
Vertebrata (basis of record)
English gram-negative bacteria for Gracilicutes
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