Gloël J., Robinson C., Tilstone G., Tarran G., Kaiser J. (2015). Could Benzalkonium chloride be a suitable alternative to mercuric chloride for preservation of seawater samples?More…
Barnes M.K., Tilstone G.H., Smyth T.J., Widdicombe C.E., Gloël J., Robinson C., Kaiser J., Suggett D.J. (2015). Drivers and effects of Karenia mikimotoi blooms in the western English Channel. More...
Barnes M.K., Tilstone G.H., Suggett D.J., Widdicombe C.E., Bruun J., Martinez-Vicente V., Smyth T.J. (2015). Temporal variability in total, micro- and nano-phytoplankton primary production at a coastal site in the Western English Channel.More...
Queirós A.M., Stephens N., Cook R., Ravaglioli C., Nunes J., Dashfield S., Harris C., Tilstone G.H., Fishwick J., Somerfield P., Widdicombe S. (2015). Can benthic community structure be used to predict bioturbation in ecosystems?More...
Barnes M.K., Tilstone G.H., Smyth T.J., Suggett D.J., Astoreca R., Lancelot C., Kromkamp J.C. (2014). Absorption-based algorithm of primary production for total and size-fractioned phytoplankton in coastal waters. More...
Hickman A.E., Moore C.M., Sharples J., Lucas M.I., Tilstone G.H., Krivtsov V., Holligan P.M. (2012). Primary production and nitrate uptake within the seasonal thermocline of a stratified shelf sea. More...
Tilstone G.H., Peters S.W.M., van der Woerd H.J., Eleveld M.A., Ruddick K., Schönfeld W., Krasemann H., Martinez-Vicente V., Blondeau-Patissier D., Röttgers R., Sørensen K., Jørgensen P.V., Shutler J.D. (2012). Variability in specific-absorption properties and their use in a semi-analytical ocean colour algorithm for MERIS in North Sea and Western English Channel coastal waters. More...
Martinez-Vicente V., Simis S.G.H., Alegre R., Land P.E., Groom S.B. (2013). Above-water reflectance for the evaluation of adjacency effects in Earth observation data: initial results and methods comparison for near-coastal waters in the Western Channel. More...
Xie Y., Tilstone G.H., Widdicombe C., Woodward E.M.S., Harris C., Barnes M.K. (2015). Effect of increases in temperature and nutrients on phytoplankton community structure and photosynthesis in the western English Channel. More...
Aznay O., Santer R., Zagolski F. (2012). Validation of the MERIS atmospheric correction over ocean using AERONET. More...
Barker K., Zagolski F., Santer R., Kent C., Huot J.-P., Ruddick K., Zibordi G. (2012). Sky dome correction for SeaPRISM and TriOS above water radiometric measurements in MERMAID. More...
Knaeps E., Sterckx S. (2012). Adjacency effects in Sentinel-2 data: application of SIMEC (SIMilarity Environment Correction). More...
Martinez-Vicente V., Tilstone G.H., Bruun J., Groom S.B. (2012). The western English channel long-time series validation site. More...
Santer R., Zagolski F., Aznay O. (2012). Inherent optical properties of the aerosols for OLCI/Sentinel-3: From micro-physical properties to optical properties using AERONET.More...
Sterckx S., Knaeps E., Kratzer S., Ruddick K., Ruescas A. (2013). Validation SIMEC adjacency correction for coastal and inland waters. More...
Sterckx S., Knaeps E., Santer R., Kratzer S., Ruddick K. (2012). Environment correction for inland and coastal water scenes: a comparison of methods. More...
Zagolski F., Santer R., Aznay O. (2012). Apparent optical properties of the aerosols for MERIS/OLCI-S3: Selection of best LUTs for atmospheric correction over ocean. More...
Zagolski F., Santer R., Barker K., Huot J.-P. (2012). POLREF: A new simulator for Polarized Reflection Coefficients over ocean. More...
Aznay O., Santer R., Zagolski F. (2013). Validation of the MERIS atmospheric correction over ocean using AERONET.More...
Barker K., Zagolski F., Santer R., Kent C., Huot J.-P., Zibordi G., Ruddick K. (2013). Sky dome correction for SeaPRISM and TriOS above water radiometric measurements in MERMAID. More...
Santer R., Zagolski F., Aznay O. (2013). Inherent optical properties of the aerosols for OLCI/Sentinel-3: From micro-physical properties to optical properties using AERONET. More...
Santer R., Zagolski F., Barker K., Huot J.-P. (2013). Correction of the above water radiometric measurements for the sky dome reflection, accounting for polarization. More...
Sterckx S., Knaeps E., Ruddick K.G., Kratzer S., Ruescas A. (2013). Validation SIMEC adjacency correction for coastal and inland waters. More...
Zagolski F., Santer R., Aznay O. (2013). Apparent optical properties of the aerosols for MERIS/OLCI Sentinel-3: Selection of best LUTs for atmospheric correction over ocean. More...
Zagolski F., Santer R., Barker K., Huot J.-P. (2013). POLREF: A new simulator for polarized reflection coefficient over ocean.More...
Knaeps E., Sterckx S., Raymaekers D., Ruddick K., Dogliotti A.I. (2012). Using NIR and SWIR wavelengths for turbid water corrections: the SIMEC environment correction and in-situ evidence of non-zero reflectance.More...
Martinez-Vicente V., Simis S.G.H., Alegre R., Land P.E., Groom S.B. (2012). Initial results with automated ship-borne reflectance measurements and data processing in near-coastal waters in the Western Channel. More...
Santer R., Zagolski F., Barker K., Huot J.-P. (2012). Correction of the above water radiometric measurements for the sky dome reflection, accounting for polarization. More...