I got two major comments to make:
(1) Re. Carsten: "Quality assurance" versus "Data sharing, standards and data exchange"
I think, these two aspects are intimately linked: according to my own experience with open data bases with the option for "lays" and the public to enter data (i.e., "data sharing"), it is essential and -at the same time- extremely difficult to ensure and maintain "data quality". Every single set of data that is transferred from one level of communication (e.g., between scientist, stakeholders, land-owners, policy-makers, ...) to the other has to be checked for "quality", reliability and correctness (just like we do with peer-reviewed publications): otherwise "data-sharing" is of little value...
(2) Re. Ben (and, again, closely linked to the above): "The paper says that the Nok should be science-driven. Should it? I don't think so"
I totally disagree! I understand that scientists need to adapt their language to be understandable by non-scientists and to adopt their vocabulary. They think in cost:benefit ratios, and they don't want to here "it seems as if" or "it could be that"...
However, even if and when we will be able to translate the scientific basis into another language, our reasoning and the line of argument has to science-based! Anything else is bare of being testable and can not be verified or falsified!