D1.1 Overview of knowledge holders and requesters of a potential NoK |
D1.2 Defining elements of organisational structures and processes of a NoK |
D2.1 The NoK Prototype |
D3.1 Final knowledge assessment reports of the 3 case studies and lessons learned |
D4.1 Report on the evaluation of the prototype NoK
Presentation, videos and reports |
Programme of the conference |
Background document to the conference |
Draft prototype of a Network of Knowledge |
Programme, presentations, videos and reports |
Background document to the conference: NoK's guide |
- Recommendations to the NoK from Regional workshops:
Budapest workshop (Eastern) |
Copenhagen workshop (Nordic) |
Aix workshop (Southern) |
- Workshops, side events and symposia:
LIAISE workshop, Villa Vigoni, October 2012 |
IPBES 1, First Plenary of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity,
January 2013, Bonn
ALTER-Net Conference, Ghent, Belgium. April 15-18th 2013
BiodivERsA stakeholder engagement workshop, Peterborough, UK,
April 23rd-24th 2013
Flyer |
Newsletters |
Poster: The Network of Knowledge prototype |
Poster: Mapping biodiversity knowledge flows |
Presentations |
Press releases |
Paper in International Innovation |
BiodiversityKnowledge logo |
For products of the First BiodiversityKnowledge Conference (videos, presentations and reports) please refer to the Conference Site.