1st step: Mapping the knowledge landscape
To build a network of knowledge (NoK) on biodiversity and ecosystem services, we need first to better understand the current flows of knowledge within Europe, i.e. where is Knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystem services coming from and where does it go. In doing so, our first goal was to draw an overview on the expertise and knowledge holders as well as potential clients for the BiodiversityKnowledge NoK.
Specific aims to reach this goal are to:
1. Map and analyze existing overviews of expertise on the biodiversity knowledge landscape, as it has been shaped by many projects, networking activities and institutions, to provide the basis for setting up the NoK structure
2. Map potential clients/ stakeholders for the NoK in relation to the various biodiversity related fields (giving priority to the content of the case studies)
3. Identify barriers to knowledge transfer specifically as a basis for defining the future structure and processes involved for maximising the effective functioning of the NoK; including development of ways to overcome possible barriers to knowledge access and compilation
4. Screen technological options for use in the NoK prototype.
Brief summary of results:
The current biodiversity landscape in Europe has been mapped in terms of experts, existing networks and knowledge holders. Due to the complexity of the task two parallel approaches were carried out: KNEU partners were requested to identify and map the main actors for biodiversity knowledge and individual interviews were used to capture how knowledge is generated and transferred between these key players. The mapping of knowledge holders and potential requesters of the NoK is a live process that would be under continuous development throughout the project. In addition, interviews with potential requesters of the NoK were conducted in order to get their views, needs and preferences in relation to the NoK. Regarding barriers to knowledge transfer, a literature review was carried out and complemented with the answers provided by the interviewees: 52 barriers were identified, from which 21 were unique to the responses given during the interviews. The work performed during this first period also highlighted the additional importance to create and support a “Community of interest”, via a web portal, which would require to further explore the possible technological approaches to achieve an active use of such tool.
The detail results of this first step in building a Network of Knowledge will be available at this place soon.