Dear colleagues,
Biodiversity research in Europe has come a long way over the past 20 years, keeoping the topic in the public discussions, but also integrating across disciplines and countries, across data sets and knowledge, to name just a few aspects. At the same time, the field of work opens up even more --- links to climate change, land use changes, the topic of ecosystem services, .... to name just a few.
This highlights the needs to further integrate - in science, with other knowledge holders, to inform decision making. This is not an easy task, but yet, it needs to be tackled if we want to come on a sustainable paths balancing the use and the protection of nature.
The white paper presented here in several sections for discussion brings together a lot of these comeplexities into four sections, baed on the work conducted in the KNEU project and beyond:
- Section 1 (this section) gives a general introduction and should be used for general discussions
- Section 2 shortly summarizes the background and context for the NoK
- Section 3 discusses the potential functions for a NoK
- Section 4 outlines the challenges, lessons learned and added values of a NoK
- Section 5 derives main options for the design of the NoK and its potential governance structure, rules and procedures for operating it
We will post additional inputs from the White Paper on a regular basis in the sections to make discussions easier and we look forward to your input
Best wishes
Carsten Neßhöver (KNEU project coordinator)