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Monocorophium sextonae -

Current distribution Monocorophium sextonae (Crawford, 1937) (1482 OBIS-datapoints, 1443 GBIF-datapoints)
The area of origin of the mud shrimp Monocorophium sextonae is unknown. It remains uncertain if this species is non-native to Europe. It is possible that the species has always been present but was never noticed before. This amphipod is therefore classified by many as cryptogenic. The species was first found in samples taken during the summer of 1993 along the Belgian West Coast. Monocorophium sextonae is reported in the port of Zeebrugge, the Scheldt estuary and on shipwrecks off the Belgian coast. It lives in soft sediments, attached to other organisms, such as algae and sponges, and on artificial substrates, from the intertidal zone to a depth of 50 metres.