Training announcement on “Integrated Coastal Sustainable Development”
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- Created on Monday, 27 January 2014 14:26
To the kind attention of PEGASO partners / PAP/RAC / RAC/SPA / MedPartnership / MAP Focal Points of Egypt / Lebanon / Tunisia / Palestine.
As part of its regional development aid, the Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency (SIDA) is organizing a training program on the Sustainable Development of Coastal Areas for the Middle East and North Africa region. The beneficiary countries are Egypt , Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Tunisia. The program's objective is to contribute to an integrated and sustainable development of coastal areas and supporting the process of change within institutions involved in the planning, development and management of coastal areas as well as the public sector, private, civil society and NGOs, universities and research centers, communication industry and journalism, etc..
The program runs from June 2014 to October 2015 and consists of 5 phases comprising three phases of study remotely from the participating countries and the two scheduled classes respectively 1 to 18 September 2014 in Sweden and 1 to 12 February 2015 in one of the participating countries in the MENA region.
SIDA covers all costs of participation and accommodation with the exception of travel to and from Sweden. Travel expenses for participation in organized in February 2015 in one of the participating countries, however, are covered by SIDA.
For all intents and purposes, you will find more on the following link:, where you can find the programme brochure and application form.
2nd international ocean research conference in Barcelona, 17-21 November 2014
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- Created on Monday, 27 January 2014 09:51
The conference, organized by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, the Oceanography Society and the Fundacio Navegacio Oceànica Barcelona, will be the opportunity to review progress made in ocean science in the last twenty years, and plan ahead in light of important policy developments such as The Future We Want (UNCSD Rio+20) and Future Earth.
The topics of the conference are the following ones:
1. Building scientific knowledge. Marine research and observations for climate, ecosystem functioning and security
2. Applying knowledge for societal benefit. Achieving ecosystem management and sustainability
3. Improving governance and building capacity
Deadline for abstract submission: 31 May 2014
50 grants of 300€ (lump sum) will be available to early career scientists. This sum should cover 5 nights’ accommodation costs in Barcelona.
To be eligible for a grant:
- Early career scientists – postgraduates under 38 of age.
- Submission of an abstract is mandatory when applying for a grant.
- Abstracts will be evaluated on the basis of technical quality and relevance to the topics.
- Successful applicants will receive a reply by mid June.
2nd edition of the Tour du Valat Young Scientists conference
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- Created on Tuesday, 21 January 2014 07:49
The 2nd edition of the Tour du Valat Young Scientists conference on Mediterranean Conservation Sciences will take place from 28th to 30th April 2014, Tour du Valat, Camargue (France).
More information on the flyer and on the website :
PEGASO Final Conference, Antalya 14 to 17th of January
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- Created on Thursday, 16 January 2014 15:51
The PEGASO Final Conference took place in Beldibi (Antalya, Turkey), from 14th to 17th of January. The meeting focused on:
- the ICZM Regional Governance Platform in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea,
- the ICZM/MSP policies in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea,
- the future of PEGASO.
The meeting was attended by a wide range of institutes and networks from the Mediterranean and Black Sea and representatives of ICZM initiatives from other regional seas.
A technical field trip to the south-western coast of the Antalya Bay was held to end this meeting.
With this meeting the project comes to a closure on the 31st of January after 4 years of collaboration.
Thanks to all partners, end-users, CASES and in particular the coordinator UAB!!
Happy 2014!
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- Created on Thursday, 02 January 2014 15:17
Happy New Year to all the members of the PEGASO team!
SPINCAM meets in Santa Marta, Colombia
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- Created on Wednesday, 04 December 2013 21:35
II SPINCAM Steering Committee Meeting and Technical workshop on indicators, data management and visualization options took place in Santa Marta, Colombia, 2-4 December 2013
Final agenda and terms of reference are available here. For mor information, click here.
Declarations of the EMECS 10 - MEDCOAST 2013 Joint Conference
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- Created on Friday, 29 November 2013 11:59
Dear Colleagues,
The 10th EMECS and the 11th MEDCOAST conferences organised jointly in Marmaris (Turkey) during 30 Oct - 03 Nov 2013 under the name "Global Congress on ICM: Lessons Learned to Address New Challenges" was very successfully concluded. The papers presented at the Congress were published in 2-volume Proceedings and a volume of Extended Abstracts. The contents of these publications can be downloaded from our web page (
The Proceedings and the Book of Extended Abstracts can be purchased on-line from:
The concluding document of the Congress (Marmaris Declaration) and the SSP Declaration (declaration of the student participants of the Students and Schools Partnership Program of the Congress) are attached to this message. We will appreciate if you could kindly publish both declarations at your web page with short information about the Congress proceedings as provided above. We believe that this would contribute to dissemination of valuable information for advancing integrated coastal management efforts worldwide.
With kindest regards,
Prof.Dr. Erdal Özhan
President, MEDCOAST Foundation
Call for Consultant - 2014 MedPAN training on climate change
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- Created on Thursday, 28 November 2013 07:40
Dear Madam, Dear Sir,
In the context of the 2014 MedPAN training workshop on climate change for Mediterranean MPA managers, the MedPAN organization is looking for a consultant.
His/her role will be to support the MedPAN Secretariat with the content and preparation of this training that will be held in March 2014 in Spain.
Please find the terms of reference to this link.
Don't hesitate to forward this call to some potential candidates.
Thanks for your interest in this call.
Best regards,
the MedPAN Secretariat
Chère Madame, Cher Monsieur,
Dans le contexte de l'atelier de formation MedPAN 2014 sur le changement climatique pour les gestionnaires d'AMP en Méditerranée, l'association MedPAN rechercher un consultant.
Son rôle sera de soutenir le Secrétariat MedPAN sur le contenu et la préparation de cette formation qui se déroulera en mars 2014 en Espagne.
Veuillez trouver les termes de référence au lien suivant.
Les termes de référence ne sont disponibles qu'en version anglaise.
N'hésitez pas à diffuser cette appel à de potentiels candidats.
Nous vous remercions par avance de votre intérêt pour cet appel.
Le Secrétariat MedPAN
PEGASO CASEs Training Workshop, GEORGIA
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- Created on Tuesday, 05 November 2013 12:51
The PEGASO CASEs Training workshop will take place in Grigoleti, Guria Region, Georgia on 20-21 November 2013.
The objective: Basic understanding of coastal indicators in the view of their application at PEGASO CASEs, as well as potentially at national and regional level reporting on the state of the coastal environments.
Deadline for registration: 15 November 2013.
More information: program and information - registration form.
Newsletter MedPan September 2013
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- Created on Monday, 07 October 2013 09:51
We are as well this month launching a new scientific watch service for Mediterranean MPA managers. You’ll find all the details of this now monthly resource in the article below.
Please note also the publication of the proceedings of the 2012 Mediterranean MPA Forum as well as the publication of a document gathering the scientific posters that were presented during the Forum.
More widely, you will find in this newsletter a selection of latest news published on the MedPAN website.
Read the full newspaper in English.