- Black Sea Projects List (Environmental Programmes)
- CAMP: Coastal Area Management Programme
- DEDUCE: Développement durable des Côtes Européennes - Sustainable development of European Coastal Zones
- European Commission - Integrated Coastal Zone Management
- ERAM: Environmental Management, Risk Analysis and Mitigation for Sustainable Growth
- GEF MedPartnership - ICZM
- GRAMED: Global and Regional Marine Assessment Database
- MAREMED: MAritime REgions cooperation for the MEDiterranean
- MEDCOAST: Network for coastal and marine conservation in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea
- Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Mediterranean
- SPINCAM: Southeast Pacific data and Information Network in support to integrated Coastal Area Management
- UNEP/MAP: United Nations Environment Programme Mediterranean Action Plan for the Barcelona Convention
- The ICZM Protocol