Final conference oral presentations | Marinebiotech

Final conference oral presentations

Relevant Marine Biotechnology related research projects and initiatives were exhibited in a poster section.

To download the oral presentations, please click on the titles in the conference programme below.


DAY 1 - 11/03/2013


Registration and lunch



Opening Session



Welcome and introduction by Session Chair and Coordinator of the CSA MARINEBIOTECH
Steinar Bergseth, Research Council of Norway (RCN), Norway

Steinar Bergseth



Video message from European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science
Commissioner Máire Geoghegan Quinn

maire Geoghegan Quinn



Coordination and Support Action for European Marine Biotechnology Research (CSA MARINEBIOTECH)
Steinar Bergseth, Research Council of Norway
Jan-Bart Calewaert, European Marine Board

Steinar Bergseth

Jan-Bart Calewaert


Are we realising the Vision and Strategy for European Marine Biotechnology Research?
Joel Querellou, French Research Institute for Exploration of the Sea (Ifremer), former Chair of the Marine Board Working Group on Marine Biotechnology, France

Joel Querellou



Session 1: Perspectives from the scientific community




Session Chair: Jan-Bart Calewaert, European Marine Board

Jan-Bart Calewaert



Keynote: Sea anemone toxins: insecticides and painkillers of the future?
Jan Tytgat, KULeuven, Belgium

Jan Tytgat


FP7 Marine Metagenomics for New Biotechnological Applications (MAMBA) – Lessons from successful Pan-European collaboration
Peter N. Golyshin, Bangor University, UK

 Peter Golyshin


Marine Genetic Resources and the Law of the Sea
Charlotte Salpin, Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, United Nations, USA

 Charlotte salpin


Marine Biodiversiy and Gene Patents - Balancing the preservation of Marine Genetic Resources (MGR) and the equitable generation of benefits for society
Jesús M. Arrieta, Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA), Spain


 jesus arrieta





Panel discussion: Aligning and linking national research efforts with European research collaborations, challenges and developments



Moderated by Niall McDonough, European Marine Board, Belgium


Niall McDonough


Alan Dobson, University College Cork, Ireland – Beaufort Bio
The Beaufort Marine Biodiscover project

Alan Dobson

Antonio Figueras, Immunology and Genomics Group, Institute of Marine Research, CSIC Vigo, Spain

Antonio Figueras


Michael Schnekenburger, Laboratoire de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire du Cancer (LBMCC), Luxembourg
Molecular approaches to investiate anticancer effects of natural products

Michael Schnekenburger


Roman Wenne, Department of Genetics and Marine Biotechnology Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Institute of Oceanology

Roman Wenne


Jean-Paul Cadoret, French Research Institute for Exploration of the Sea (Ifremer), France
Greenstars project

 Jean-Paul Cadoret


Reception/standing dinner



DAY 2 - 12/03/2013


Session 2: Academic-industry collaborations




Session Chair: Meredith Lloyd-Evans, Biobridge, UK

Meredith Lloyd-Evans



Opening keynote: Variety creates wealth - (bio)diversity as a source of higher value-added products from marine living resources
Levent Piker, Coastal Research & Management GbR (CRM) and oceanBASIS GmbH, Germany

Levent Piker



Industry perspectives and EuropaBio’s proposed public private partnerships in Industrial Biotech
Nathalie Moll, EuropaBio

Nathalie Moll



An integrative academic-industry collaboration for biotechnology-driven discovery of new functions in marine environmental metagenomes
Renzo Kottmann, MPI-Bremen, MicroB3, Germany

Renzo Kottman



Social science informed support systems to better understand the European Marine Biotechnology landscape and innovation links
Antoine Schoen, Université Paris-Est, France

 Antoine Schoen



Closing keynote: Industrial bio, marine bio and the bio-based economy
Cees Sagt, DSM Biotechnology Center, The Netherlands

Cees Sagt  





Panel discussion on Industry-academic collaborations: lessons for the future




Moderated by Torger Børresen, DTU Food, Denmark

Torger Brresen



Rui L. Reis, University of Minho (UM), Portugal
3 B's - Special - Iberomare - Marmed

Rui L. Reis



Rachel Sellin, Chair of the Marine Biotech committee of Pôle-Mer Bretagne (regional cluster in Brittany), France
Pôle-Mer Bretagne

rachel portal-sellin



Andrew Mearns Spragg, Aquapharm, UK
The Ocean Pharmacy: New antibiotic leads from Marine Micro-organisms

Andrew Mearns Spragg



Kjersti Lie Gabrielsen, Biobank of Arctic Marine Organisms (Marbank), Norway

Kjersti Lie Gabrielsen






Session 3: Marine Biotechnology Science Policy and Coordination: status and challenges for Europe



Session Chair: Catherine Boyen, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), France

 Catherine Boyen  


Keynote: SUBMARINER - towards a Regional network to strengthen the role of blue biotechnology within the Baltic Sea region
Angela Schultz-Zehden, s.Pro., SUBMARINER coordinator, Germany
Steffen Lüsse, Ministery of Economic Affairs, Employment, Transport and Technology of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

 Angela Schultz-Zehden  Steffen Luesse


Global perspectives on marine biotechnology science and technology policy work
Jacqueline Allan, OECD

 Jacqueline Allan  


Perspectives from the European Commission DG RTD on the role of marine biotechnology in Horizon 2020
Garbiñe Guiu Etxerberria, European Commission DG Research and Innovation

 Garbine Guiu  


Perspectives from the European Commission DG MARE on the role of Marine Biotechnology in the EC Blue Growth Strategy and the Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP)
Sebastián Rodríguez Alfaro, European Commission DG MARE

 Sebastian Rodriguez Alfaro  





Closing Session: Towards a coherent pan-European science policy and coordination for Marine Biotechnology Research




Introductory presentation: From CSA to ERA-NET – Towards an ERA-NET in Marine Biotechnology
Steinar Bergseth, RCN, Norway

Steinar Bergseth



Panel discussion: How to strengthen pan-European science policy and coordination for Marine Biotechnology Research and Development

Moderated by Steinar Bergseth, RCN, Norway




Berit Johne, Research Council of norway, JPI Oceans, Norway
Joint Programming Initiative: Healthy and productive seas and oceans

 Berit Johne  

Laura Giuliano, Mediterranean Science Commission (CIESM), Monaco

 Laura Giuliano  

Catherine Boyen, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), Euromarine, France

 Catherine Boyen  

Wiebe Kooistra, Stazione Zoological Anton Dohrn, European Marine Biological Resources Centre (EMBRC), italy
European Marine Biotogical Resource Centre

 Wiebe Kooistra  


Concluding remarks: main highlights and key messages of the Conference
Dermot Hurst, Marine Institute, Ireland

 dermot hurst


