CSA MarineBiotech Work Packages | Marinebiotech


CSA MarineBiotech Work Packages

WP 1 oversees the management and coordination functions of the project.

WP 5 focuses on delivering tailored communication and dissemination activities and products, including newsletters, this website and a final public conference.

In between there are three thematic Work Packages which represent the core of the project:

WP 2 brings together relevant RTDI funding agencies from EU Member and Associated States as a Strategic Forum and, in doing so, mobilises the partners who will form the basis of the future ERA-NET consortium. In addition, WP 2 creates an Advisory Group of relevant stakeholders drawn from the research, industry and policy communities, to facilitate information exchange. Between them, these groups will provide strategic advice to the project consortium and ensure that the outcomes of WP 3 and 4 are based on actualities and can form a realistic consensus for future action.

WP 3 delivers preliminary analyses and baseline data and information which are essential in scoping a successful ERA-NET and in allowing such an ERA-NET to deliver on the vision of the ERA for marine biotechnology. A comprehensive inventory of national and regional marine biotechnology RTDI strategies, programmes and dedicated infrastructures, delivered through WP3, will ensure that a future ERA-NET will much more quickly be able to advance the development of common programmes and joint calls between participating national funding agencies. WP3 also includes an analysis of the global landscape for marine biotechnology RTDI, which is important for ensuring that future coordinating actions advance the competitiveness of European marine biotechnology in this rapidly expanding global sector.

WP 4 'Scoping the future ERA-NET' is a critical work package in the project and will utilise the outputs of WP 2 and 3. It will deliver a tailored plan for a future ERA-NET in marine biotechnology that will respond accurately to the research gaps, priorities and opportunities and the barriers to better coordination which have been identified in CSA MarineBiotech. This information can be used directly in preparation of a high-quality proposal for a marine biotechnology ERA-NET but will also be extremely valuable in its own right to deliver better coordination in European marine biotechnology efforts through other avenues of cooperation (e.g. Joint Programming Initiatives and relevant ETPs).

The overall coordination and management structure can be found in the workflow below.