List of BiodiversityKnowledge external events
Detailed list of events where BiodiversityKnowledge were presented.
Please click on the event to be directed to the according website. You can also find below links to download the BiodiversityKnowledge presentations given at this specific event and/or the report .
Date | Events |
2013 | |
January (20) 21st-26th |
Organization of a side event at IPBES 1, First Plenary of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Bonn, Germany.
February 28th - March 1st | EPBRS workshop on European Biodiversity Research Strategy 2020, Brussels, Belgium |
April 15-18th |
ALTER-Net Conference, Ghent, Belgium. Science underpinning the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy. |
April 23rd-24th |
BiodivERsA stakeholder engagement workshop, Peterborough, UK
May 15-17th | EPBRS meeting, Ireland |
July 16-18th | |
August 18-23rd |