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Undaria pinnatifida - Wakame

Current distribution Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar, 1873 (1113 OBIS-datapoints)
Wakame Undaria pinnatifida is a large brown seaweed native to Northeast Asia. Here, it is cultivated for consumption. It is an opportunistic species that spreads quickly by attaching itself to the hulls of ships. In 1971, Wakame got introduced to the Mediterranean Sea via oyster farming. Twelve years later, it got transferred to Brittany as part of experimental breeding cultures, where it proved capable of reproducing outside of the cultures. Wakame can form dense colonies, which compete with native species for space and light. Thus, this seaweed can outcompete native fauna and flora. In Belgium, the species has been present since 1999, mainly in the port of Zeebrugge.