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Marenzelleria neglecta -

Current distribution Marenzelleria neglecta Sikorski & Bick, 2004 (955 OBIS-datapoints)
The red-gilled mud worm Marenzelleria neglecta originates in the brackish waters along the east coast of North America. Presumably, the species reached the German part of the Baltic Sea in 1985 via the ballast water of ships. Based on individuals from this area – where the species was common since 2011 – this worm was described as a new species to science in 2004. In Belgium, the red-gilled mud worm was first observed in the Sea Scheldt near Antwerp on the 23rd of October 1996. The red-gilled mud worm is a benthic bristle worm that feeds by absorbing food particles from the soil.