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Hydroides ezoensis -

Current distribution Hydroides ezoensis Okuda, 1934 (158 OBIS-datapoints, 2964 GBIF-datapoints)
The tube-forming annelid worm Hydroides ezoensis originates from the northeastern part of the Pacific Ocean. This worm was first observed in 2021 in the marina of Zeebrugge. The first record on the European continent dates back to 1973 in France. This introduction was linked to shellfish transport from Japan. Whether the subsequent introductions in South England, the Netherlands, and Belgium were due to secondary spread (via shipping or natural means) from the French region or represented a new primary introduction (via shipping) is not yet known. The worm attaches itself to almost any submerged structure with a microbial film, from the lower intertidal zone to shallow subtidal areas.