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Chelicorophium curvispinum - Caspian mud shrimp

Current distribution Chelicorophium curvispinum (G.O. Sars, 1895) (118 OBIS-datapoints, 8283 GBIF-datapoints)
The Caspian mud shrimp Chelicorophium curvispinum is native to the Caspian and the Black Sea basins. The species occurs in fresh to slightly brackish water and lives in colonies of burrows with which it attaches itself to stones and pontoons. It probably reached Western and Northern Europe via inland waterways. The spread was probably facilitated by attaching itself to the hulls of ships. The Caspian mud shrimp was first observed in Belgium in 1981 in the Meuse River, near Huy. The species has a very high tolerance to pollution and its explosive growth in major European rivers, such as the Rhine, can lead to more vulnerable species being outcompeted.