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Ammothea hilgendorfi - Pacific brown-banded sea-spider

Current distribution Ammothea hilgendorfi (Böhm, 1879) (109 OBIS-datapoints, 632 GBIF-datapoints)
The Pacific brown-banded sea-spider Ammothea hilgendorfi was originally found only along the coastal areas of the tropical and northern parts of the Pacific Ocean, but through international shipping, the species was transported to the Mediterranean (1979, Venetian Lagoon) and the British coast (1978, Southampton). From there, the species spread further in southern England towards the North Sea. The first observations in the North Sea date back to 2010 (Essex, England). Since 2013, Ammothea hilgendorfi has also been found in Belgian waters. It is not known whether the species has a negative effect on the ecosystem.