NARMS source details

Anderson, R. C.; Chabaud, A. G.; Willmott, S. (1974). CIH Keys to the nematode parasites of vertebrates. i-x.
Anderson, R. C.; Chabaud, A. G.; Willmott, S.
CIH Keys to the nematode parasites of vertebrates
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z

Acanthocheilidae Wülker, 1929 (basis of record)
Acanthocheilus Molin, 1858 (basis of record)
Acuariidae Railliet, Henry & Sisoff, 1912 (basis of record)
Acuariinae Railliet, Henry & Sisoff, 1912 (basis of record)
Acuarioidea Railliet, Henry & Sisoff, 1912 (basis of record)
Amidostomidae Travassos, 1919 (basis of record)
Amidostominae Travassos, 1919 (basis of record)
Amidostomum Railliet & Henry, 1909 (basis of record)
Anguillicola Yamaguti, 1935 (basis of record)
Anguillicolidae Yamaguti, 1935 (basis of record)
Anguillicolinae Yamaguti, 1935 (basis of record)
Anisakidae Railliet & Henry, 1912 (basis of record)
Anisakinae Railliet & Henry, 1912 (basis of record)
Anisakinea Railliet & Henry, 1912 accepted as Anisakinae Railliet & Henry, 1912 (basis of record)
Anisakis Dujardin, 1845 (basis of record)
Aproctoidea Skrjabin & Shikhobalova, 1945 (basis of record)
Ascarididae Baird, 1853 (basis of record)
Ascaridinae Baird, 1853 (basis of record)
Ascaridoidea Baird, 1853 (basis of record)
Ascaris Linnaeus, 1758 (basis of record)
Ascarophis van Beneden, 1871 (basis of record)
Camallanidae Railliet & Henry, 1915 (basis of record)
Camallanina accepted as Spirurina (basis of record)
Camallanoidea Travassos, 1920 (basis of record)
Camallanus Railliet & Henry, 1915 (basis of record)
Capillaria Zeder, 1800 (basis of record)
Capillariinae Railliet, 1915 (basis of record)
Contracaecinae Mozgovoi & Shakhmatova, 1971 (basis of record)
Contracaecum Railliet & Henry, 1912 (basis of record)
Cosmocephalus Molin, 1858 (basis of record)
Crassicauda Leiper & Atkinson, 1914 (basis of record)
Crassicaudinae Yorke & Maplestone, 1926 (basis of record)
Cristitectus Petter, 1970 (basis of record)
Cucullanidae Cobbold, 1864 (basis of record)
Cucullaninae Cobbold, 1864 (basis of record)
Cucullanus Müller, 1777 (basis of record)
Cystidicola Fisher, 1798 (basis of record)
Cystidicolidae Skrjabin, 1946 (basis of record)
Cystoopsidae Skrjabin, 1923 (basis of record)
Cystoopsinae (Skrjabin, 1923) (basis of record)
Cystoopsis Wagner, 1867 (basis of record)
Desmidocercella Yorke & Maplestone, 1926 (basis of record)
Desmidocercidae Cram, 1927 (basis of record)
Dichelyne Jägerskiöld, 1902 (basis of record)
Dioctophymatidae Castellani & Chalmers, 1910 accepted as Dioctophymidae Railliet, 1915 (basis of record)
Dipetalonema Diesing, 1861 (basis of record)
Dracunculoidea Stiles, 1907 (basis of record)
Echinocephalus Molin, 1858 (basis of record)
Eustrongylides Jägerskiöld, 1909 (basis of record)
Eustrongylinae Chitwood & Chitwood, 1937 (basis of record)
Filarioidea Chabaud & Anderson, 1959 (basis of record)
Filaroididae Schulz, 1951 (basis of record)
Gnathostomatidae Railliet, 1895 (basis of record)
Gnathostomatinae (Railliet, 1895) (basis of record)
Gnathostomatoidea Railliet, 1895 (basis of record)
Goezia Zeder, 1800 (basis of record)
Goeziinae Travassos, 1919 (basis of record)
Habronematoidea Ivaschkin, 1961 (basis of record)
Halocercinae Delamure, 1952 (basis of record)
Halocercus Baylis & Daubney, 1925 (basis of record)
Heliconema Travassos, 1919 (basis of record)
Ichthyanisakis Gendre, 1928 accepted as Paranisakis Baylis, 1923 (basis of record)
Ichthyobronema Gnedina & Savina, 1930 (basis of record)
Ichthyofilaria Yamaguti, 1935 (basis of record)
Johnstonmawsonia Campana-Rouget, 1955 (basis of record)
Kathlania Lane, 1914 (basis of record)
Kathlaniidae Lane, 1914 (basis of record)
Kathlaniinae Lane, 1914 (basis of record)
Onchocercidae Leiper, 1911 (basis of record)
Onchocercinae Leiper, 1911 (basis of record)
Onchophora Diesing, 1851 (basis of record)
Paracapillaria Mendonça, 1963 (basis of record)
Paracuaria Krishna Rao, 1951 (basis of record)
Paranisakinea Andersen, Chabaud & Willmott, 1974 (basis of record)
Paranisakiopsis Yamaguti, 1941 (basis of record)
Paranisakis Baylis, 1923 (basis of record)
Parascarophis Campana-Rouget, 1955 (basis of record)
Philometra Costa, 1845 (basis of record)
Philometridae Baylis & Daubney, 1926 (basis of record)
Philometrinae Baylis & Daubney, 1926 (basis of record)
Philometroides Yamaguti, 1935 (basis of record)
Phocascaris Höst, 1932 (basis of record)
Physalopteridae Railliet, 1893 (basis of record)
Physalopteroidea Railliet, 1893 (basis of record)
Porrocaecum Railliet & Henry, 1912 (basis of record)
Proleptinae Schulz, 1927 (basis of record)
Proleptus Dujardin, 1845 (basis of record)
Pseudaliidae Railliet & Henry, 1909 (basis of record)
Pseudaliinae Railliet & Henry, 1909 (basis of record)
Pseudalius Dujardin, 1845 (basis of record)
Pseudanisakis Layman & Borovkova, 1926 (basis of record)
Pseudocapillaria Freitas, 1959 (basis of record)
Pseudoproleptus Khera, 1953 (basis of record)
Raphidascaridinea Hartwich, 1954 (basis of record)
Raphidascaris Railliet & Henry, 1915 (basis of record)
Raphidascaris (Ichthyascaris) Wu, 1949 accepted as Ichthyascaris Wu, 1949 (basis of record)
Rhabdochona Railliet, 1916 (basis of record)
Rhabdochonidae Skrjabin, 1946 (basis of record)
Seuratiinae Chitwood & Wehr, 1932 (basis of record)
Seuratoidea Hall, 1916 (basis of record)