NARMS taxon details
original description
Milne Edwards, H.; Haime, J. (1851). Monographie des polypiers fossiles des terrains palaeozoïques, précédée d'un tableau général de la classification des polypes. <em>Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Archives.</em> 5: 1–502, 20 pls., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/25098869 page(s): 11 [details]
basis of record
van der Land, J.; den Hartog, J.H. (2001). Actiniaria, <B><I>in</I></B>: Costello, M.J. <i>et al.</i> (Ed.) (2001). <i>European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels,</i> 50: pp. 106-109 (look up in IMIS) [details]
additional source
Neave, Sheffield Airey. (1939-1996). Nomenclator Zoologicus vol. 1-10 Online. <em>[Online Nomenclator Zoologicus at Checklistbank. Ubio link has gone].</em> , available online at https://www.checklistbank.org/dataset/126539/about [details]
additional source
Doumenc D. & Foubert A. (1984). Microinformatique et taxonomie des actinies: Cle mondiale des genres. Annales de l'Institut Océanographique, 60, 1, 43-86. page(s): 57, 65, 72, 76, 81, 82, 83 [details]
additional source
Stephenson, T. A., Stephenson, Anne, Tandy, G. and Spender, N. 1931. The structure and ecology of Low Isles and other reefs. Great Barrier Reef Expedition Scientific Reports 3(2): 17-112. page(s): 54, 56, 106 [details]
additional source
Andres, A. (1884). Le attinie. Volume primo, contente bibliografia, introduzione e specigrafia. , available online at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/81386 page(s): 292 [details]
additional source
Carlgren, O. (1949). A survey of the Ptychodactiaria, Corallimorpharia and Actiniaria. <em>Kungliga Svenska Vet- enskapsakadamiens Handlingar.</em> 1: 1–121. page(s): 74-75 [details]
additional source
Carlgren, O. (1943). East-Asiatic Corallimorpharia and Actiniaria. <em>Kungliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar.</em> 20: 1-43, pls. 1-2. page(s): 30 [details]
additional source
Andres, A. (1883). Le Attinie (Monografia). Coi Tipi der Salviucci. Roma., volume 1 (Bibliografia, introduzione e specigrafia), pp. 460. page(s): 292-293 [details]
additional source
Doumenc, D. A. (1973). Notes sur les actinies de Polynésie Française. Cahiers du Pacifique, (17): 173-204 page(s): 197 [details]
additional source
England, K. W. (1988). Redefinitions and systematics of Heteractis aurora, the genera Heteractis and Radianthus, and the family Heteractidae (Cnidaria: Actiniaria). Indo-Malayan Zoology, 5, 45-55 page(s): 47, 49, 53 [details]
additional source
Carlgren, O. (1940). A contribution to the knowledge of the structure and distribution of the cnidae in the Anthozoa. Kungliga Fysiografiska Sällskapets Handlingar, 51, N.F., (3): 1-62 page(s): 7, 35 [details]
additional source
Carlgren, O. (1945). Further contributions to the knowledge of the cnidom in the Anthozoa especially in the Actiniaria. Kungliga Fysiografiska Sällskapets Handlingar, 56, N.F., (9): 1-24 page(s): 22 [details]
additional source
Fautin, D. G. (1988). Sea anemones (Actiniaria and Corallimorpharia) of Madang Province. Science in New Guinea, 14(1): 22-29 page(s): 25 [details]
additional source
McMurrich, J. P. (1893). Report on the Actiniæ collected by the United States Fish Commission Steamer Albatross during the winter of 1887-1888. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 16(930): 119-216 page(s): 129 [details]
additional source
Kwietniewski, C. R. (1897). Actiniaria von Ternate. Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 23, 321-345 page(s): 335-336 [details]
additional source
Stephenson, T. A.; Stephenson, A.; Tandy, G. (1931). The ecology of Low Isles. Scientific Reports of the Great Barrier Reef Expedition 1928-29, III(2), 35-68 page(s): 56 [details]
additional source
den Hartog, J. C. (1997). The sea anemone fauna of Indonesian coral reefs. Periplus Editions. Republic of Singapore., chapter Box 8.2, volume 7, pp. 351-370 page(s): 356 [details]
additional source
Uchida, H.; Soyama, I. (2001). Sea Anemones in Japanese Waters. TBS. Japan., pp. 157. page(s): 100, 151, 155 [details]
additional source
Barrios-Suárez, L. M.; Reyes, J. O.; Navas, G. R.; García, C. B. (2002). Distribution of anemones (Anthozoa: Actiniaria and Corallimorpharia) in the area of Santa Marta, Colombian Caribbean [Distribución de las anémonas (Anthozoa: Actiniaria y Corallimorpharia) en el área de Santa Marta, Caribe columbiano]. Ciencias Marinas, 28(1): 37-48 page(s): 41, 43 [details]
additional source
Schmidt, H. (1974). On evolution in the Anthozoa. Proceedings of the Second International Coral Reef Symposium, 1, 533-560 page(s): 544, 547 [details]
additional source
Rodríguez, E.; Daly, M. (2010). Phylogenetic relationships among deep-sea and chemosynthetic sea anemones: Actinoscyphyiidae and Actinostolidae (Actiniaria: Mesomyaria). Public Library of Science One, 5, 6, 1-8 page(s): 4, 5 [details]
additional source
Fautin, D. G.; Zelenchuk, T.; Raveendran, D. (2007). Genera of orders Actiniaria and Corallimorpharia (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Hexacorallia), and their type species. <em>Zootaxa.</em> 1668: 183-244., available online at https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.1668.1.12 page(s): 223 [details] Available for editors 
additional source
Dunn, D. F. (1982). Cnidaria. McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York and other cities., volume 1, pp. 669-706 page(s): 699 [details]
additional source
Andres, A. (1883). Le Attinie. Atti dell' Accademia de Lincei, 14, 3, Memorie, 211-673 page(s): 480, 500-501, 640 [details]
Present Inaccurate Introduced: alien Containing type locality