The ESF networking proposal: “Citizens Monitoring Biodiversity (CMD)”, a combined EDIT/PESI/LifeWatch initiative (EDIT C3.2.5), was recommended for funding by the ESF Standing Committee for Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences (LESC). Out of 112 eligible proposals in all scientific fields, 20 were recommended for submission for funding to ESF Member Organisations in the course of 2009.
The eventual aim of the project is to involve organisations of naturalists, such as bird watchers and botanists in Europe-wide monitoring of biodiversity. As a first important step, the various groups should agree as much as possible in standards regarding the names of organisms, as well as on observation metadata and monitoring schemes. PESI would play an important role in providing taxonomic standards. The results will be beneficial for both the naturalist community and for scientists and researchers making use of data collected by volunteers.