
Public Outreach


PESI will reach out towards scientists, policy makers and the public at large. We will develop several outreach products, such as:
PESI also featured in the:
  • International Innovation Report [download full text]
  • EDIT Newsletter Vol. 11
  • ALARM-Atlas of Biodiversity Risks Pensoft, Sofia & Moscow
  • MarBEF newsletter Vol. 8. Full reference: de Jong, Y.; Costello, M.; Appeltans, W.; Nash, R. (2008). PESI: Pan-European Species-directories Infrastructure. MarBEF Newsletter 8: 33-34. [Download full text].
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Yde de Jong at Czech EPBRS meeting

Ornithologists describing all the local bird species they recorded in one morning at the BioBlitz, author: Nash, Roisin

PESI at Polish BioBlitz, author: Nash, Roisin

Botanists keying out the different plant species they collected during the BioBlitz, author: Nash, Roisin

Freshwater taxonomists introducing the public to species in their locality, author: Nash, Roisin

Roisin Nash and Louis Boumans at our info stand at the e-Biosphere in London, author: Appeltans, Ward

Jan Marcin Weslawski counting up the scores at the BioBlitz, author: Nash, Roisin