New book on Dutch biodiversity
On 25 November 2010 the book De Nederlandse biodiversiteit (Dutch biodiversity) was presented in NCB Naturalis in Leiden for an audience of more than 200. The book gives an up-to-date overview of all species groups. The 100+ specialists have revised their species lists and now 47,800 established species have been recorded. In the course of the preparation of the book a new phylum was found for the Netherlands: Cycliophora. These small creatures, which live on the mouthparts of lobsters, were only described recently and are now found on Dutch lobsters in the collection of the Leiden Museum. For each treated group one or more photos are presented and a brief summary is given of the number of species, biology and distribution. The language is Dutch, but it is illustrated with many photos, graphs, tables and statistics, which make it interesting for non-Dutch readers.
The Dutch Species Catalogue uses Fauna Europaea as a reference list on European animal taxa.
Noordijk, J., R.M.J.C. Kleukers, E.J. van Nieukerken & A.J. van Loon (editors) 2010. De Nederlandse biodiversiteit [The Biodiversity of The Netherlands]. Nederlandse Fauna 10: 1-512. NCB Naturalis & European Invertebrate Survey Nederland (EIS). ISBN 978-90-5011-351-9.