Yde de Jong attended the GBIF European nodes meeting at Alicante (March 10-12, 2010) to discuss the collaboration with the European biodiversity projects in relation to the GBIF work plan.
Yde de Jong attended the GBIF European nodes meeting at Alicante (March 10-12, 2010) to discuss the collaboration with the European biodiversity projects in relation to the GBIF work plan.
The EDIT Summer School of Modern Taxonomy 2010 will be held on the island of Madeira (Portugal) http://www.atbi.eu/summerschool
The main purpose of this summer school is to provide MSc- & PhD-level students with practical experience in modern taxonomy. To this end, in partnership with experienced taxonomists, field work will be accompanied by theory lectures to provide an in-depth understanding of current trends in modern taxonomy.
Participate as a training provider in the EDIT Summer School 2010: visit the website for additional information (http://www.atbi.eu/summerschool/node/185) and apply for one of the vacant positions using the online application form for training providers, which can be found on the website. You will be informed of your acceptance within a reasonable time after applying.
Participate as a student in the EDIT Summer School 2010: visit the website for additional information (http://www.atbi.eu/summerschool/node/188) and apply before the deadline of 31/05/2010.
Yde de Jong was invited to present PESI at the kick-off meeting of the recently started EU FP7 funded BioFresh project (Berlin, 23-26 February 2010). The main objective of the BioFresh project is to improve capacity to protect and manage freshwater biodiversity in the face of ongoing changes to global climate and socioeconomics, bringing together the vast amount of information on freshwater biodiversity currently scattered among a wide range of databases.
PESI is a stakeholder of the BioFresh project and represented in its scientific advisory board.
Paul Kirk and Yde de Jong attended the Nomina 6 meeting at Santa Cruz (8-12 February 2010) to discuss the further development and implementation of the Global Names Usage Bank (GNUB) as component of the Global Names Architecture (GNA).
The picture below shows the Nomina 6 participants. Main focus of the meeting was to agree on a definitive GNUB datamodel and to discuss potential user cases.