Better Off Blue – Creating synergies for a bio-based society | Marinebiotech

Better Off Blue – Creating synergies for a bio-based society

Sep-27-17 to Sep-28-17
Berlin, Germany

The second large-scale SUBMARINER conference will take place in Berlin, Germany on 27–28 September 2017. It aims to identify the most promising actions for real progress towards a blue bioeconomy and bio-based society in the Baltic Sea Region. To this end, it will bring together and create synergies between the work of policy makers and representatives of businesses and research institutions. Along a range of cross-cutting topics, the event will showcase advances made in the current Submariner Network projects and other initiatives from all parts of the Baltic Sea Region.

The plenary sessions will feature insights from inspirational keynote speakers and expert panelists. An excellent matchmaking opportunity, the conference will provide ample time for structured and informal b2b networking. Its parallel workshops will include topics such as the valorisation of ecosystem services, marine trends on the food market, biobased materials & chemicals and many more. Real-world cases from each of these areas will serve as a springboard for discussion. As the Submariner Network is an umbrella flagship for innovation, our aim is to arrive at a conference declaration positioning the Network, its stakeholders and actions with a view to the European Commission’s implementation strategy for blue growth in the Baltic Sea Region.

The SUBMARINER Network is organising the conference in cooperation with the Ministry of Energy, Agriculture, the Environment and Rural Areas of Schleswig-Holstein (Germany) and the project Baltic Blue Growth. The event will take place in the representation of Schleswig-Holstein to the Federal Government in Berlin, Germany on 27 and 28 September 2017.