First PLATFORM2 Annual Workshop | Marinebiotech

First PLATFORM2 Annual Workshop

Sep-10-15 to Sep-11-15

ERA-NETs for Impact and Global Cooperation

The Berlin event is designed to serve a broad interest. Interactively the participants will work towards increasing alignment of ERA-Nets and interaction with initiatives such as Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR) and JPI FACCE. Further the views on global ERA-NET cooperations will be broadened while a poster session will give the possibility to give an overview on a global ERA-Net cooperation. Attending to this event is on invitation only.

Dates:          10-11 September 2015
Venue:          WHITE Spreelounge, Berlin, Germany 
Chairs:          Birger Kerckow & Ino Ostendorf

The Berlin event is designed to serve a broad interest. Interactively the participants will work towards increasing alignment of ERA-Nets and interaction with initiatives such as Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR) and JPI FACCE. Further the views on global ERA-NET cooperations will be broadened while a poster session will give the possibility to give an overview on a global ERA-Net cooperation. Attending to this event is on invitation only.