Micro B3 OSD Analysis Workshop/Jamboree | Marinebiotech


Micro B3 OSD Analysis Workshop/Jamboree

Mar-09-15 to Mar-13-15
Hinxton, UK

Micro B3 and the Ocean Sampling Day (OSD) team would like to advertise the upcoming OSD analysis workshop (to be held 9-13 March 2015 at EBI, Hinxton, UK). The team intends to open the workshop to applicants from potential new OSD sites for the 2015 edition of the OSD (for which expressions of interest are accepted until 1 May).

Beginners in bioinformatics are more than welcome to join.
The spirit of the workshop is to strengthen our collaboration and any kind of expertise from bioinformatics to ecology is highly appreciated to get the best out of the OSD 2014 data.
It should also be a place where the coordinators and sites meet and exchange their experiences with OSD 2014 and prepare their participation in OSD 2015.

More information about the course can be found at:
To apply please fill in the application form at:

Application deadline is February 1st, 2015.
Places on this workshop are limited to 30.

The course fee is 100 Euro per participant including room and full board for all days.
Costs for travelling can not be covered.