Deadline for abstract submission: June 1st 2012
Abstract format
Abstracts should be concise (no more than 400 words!) and should clearly state objectives, main results and conclusions. Abstracts should be written in English. Authors can submit one abstract for the oral presentations and a maximum of two abstracts for the poster sessions as first author. They can, however, also be listed as co-authors on additional abstracts.
Abstract format is as follows (use the example abstract as a guideline):
- the title should be in bold using sentence case characters
- author(s) on one line, presenting author(s) underlined
- affiliations on a separate line, followed by the e-mail address of the author
- plain text, single line-spacing
- maximum 400 words
- Times New Roman, Font size 12
- Scientific names and terms represented by abbreviations must be written in full when they are first mentioned, with abbreviations in parentheses.
Send your abstracts by e-mail as an MS-Word file attachment using the following file name: FIRSTAUTHOR_IDS2012.doc to IDS2012@ugent.be. Do not send your abstracts to the members of the organising committee but only to this address!
The first author will receive an e-mail acknowledgement from the Symposium organisation within a few days of receipt of the abstracts. The final decision as to whether an abstract can be presented as an oral or poster communication will lie with the Scientific Committee. Authors will be notified about this decision in June 2012. |