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Thesaurus terms (7) : Coastal zone management; Coastline preservation; Environmental analysis; Erosion control; Pollution detection; Sediment distribution; Socioeconomic aspects
9, Anixeos Str.
55236 Panorama

Tel.: +30-(0)2310-33 21 45
 Person | Project 
Type: Commercial

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The firm has a dynamic involvement in environmental consulting and applied environmental research. As a consulting firm, ISOTECH has extensive experience in local, regional and international projects in the field of environment. The scientific team of ISOTECH covers a broad spectrum of environmental expertise, aiming at an integrated approach to environmental problems.

ISOTECH Ltd Environmental Consultants is structured in four major Departments:

I. Environmental Engineering Department
II. Natural Systems Management Department
III. Projects and Programs Management Department
IV. Applied Environmental Research Department

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  • EUROSION: European Project for Coastal Erosion Management, more

All data in the Integrated Marine Information System (IMIS) is subject to the VLIZ privacy policy Top | Person | Project 
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THESEUS is funded by the European Commission within FP7-THEME 6 - Environment, including climate.
Grant 244104
1 December 2009 - 30 November 2013
Website developed and maintained by VLIZ

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