THESEUS (Innovative technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate) is the largest Integrated Project within coastal risk assessment and mitigation funded by the European Commission (6,530,000 €) and consists of 31 partner institutes. The project will develop during the next four years a systematic approach to deliver both a low-risk coast for human use and healthy coastal habitats for evolving coastal zones subjected to multiple factors.

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On the project description pages you will find more detailed information. The general coordinator of THESEUS is Barbara Zanuttigh from the University of Bologna. The project started the first of December 2009.

THESEUS project highlighted in International Magazine
Added on: 2014-11-27 14:10:09 by De Pooter, Daphnis
The November issue of International Water Power & Dam Construction contains a contribution by THESEUS co-ordinator Barbara Zanuttigh. The article explains the THESEUS project and highlights its main achievements.
THESEUS research wins national industry award for innovative design
Added on: 2014-10-28 12:44:39 by De Pooter, Daphnis
THESEUS researchers participated in a project which won an award from CIRIA, a non-profit organisation that links science with the construction industry. ...THESEUS your One-stop-shop to combat coastal flooding
Added on: 2014-06-01 12:46:41 by De Pooter, Daphnis
An interview with THESEUS coordinator Barbara Zanuttigh was published by HORIZON 2020
THESEUS DSS available!
Added on: 2014-02-10 09:35:35 by De Pooter, Daphnis
The THESEUS-project consortium has developed a Decision Support System (a DSS) which will help decision makers and practisioners to design sustainable coastal protection strategies. The tool is freely available for download after filling out a short registration form. ...
THESEUS funded research in Nature
Added on: 2013-12-09 13:26:06 by De Pooter, Daphnis
Nature published a paper by Stijn Temmerman and coauthored by THESEUS partner Tjeerd Bouma (NIOZ) promoting the implementation of ecosystem based coastal protection systems. ...[Add] [Older news... ]