Discover here the latest news, press releases and interviews related to the THESEUS project and THESEUS related issues .

- A rock pool for life to cling to: creating microhabitats within artificial coastal constructions.
THESEUS research highlighted in the Irish Times Read more
- THESEUS, l’approccio europeo (made in Italy) per la gestione delle coste
THESEUS research highlighted on the Italian news site Read more (in Italian)
- Roots cause shoreline stability: the results from a paper by Marjolijn Christianen an Jim van Belzen of NIOZ were highlighted on the website of the Dutch National TV news station VARA Read more (in Dutch)
- A heavy storm hits the Bulgarian Coast. Between 6th and 8th February 2012 a short, but very intense storm hit the Western Black Sea. As THESEUS researchers went out to study the sites they drew the attention of reporters from the Bulgarian TV stations Nova TV - watch and Ckat TV - watch.


- A press dedicated to Theseus was published in the magazine of the University of Bologna UniBo. Read more
- The relevance of EC funding, including the Theseus project was published on Repubblica (Italian national newspaper) in the section dedicated to Bologna. Read more
- Theseus in the spotlight on the Polish web after Theseus meeting in Gdansk, Poland Read more
- A video was recorded during "The night of the Researchers", Bologna, September 24. How to get EC funds, creating a strategic consortium and manage a large IP . Read more

- A new wave in coastal protection: a eight-minute movie on Euronews. Read more
- Press realease on Theseus reached, a newsportal on politics in Belgium. Read more
- Theseus captured the attention of the environmental department of Cantabria. During a worktask meeting in Santander, Barbara Zanuttigh and Inigo Losada got a visit from Francisco Martin from the Environmental Department Cantabria. ... Read more
- The storm Xynthia and Theseus.The violent European windstorm Xynthia crossed Western Europe on 26–28 February 2010. Due to its high impact on environment, economics and society, Xynthia brought the need for coastal protection again under the attention. Theseus was presented as a new innovative program of Europe to protect coastal zones. Read more

- THESEUS in the Spanish News: Europa lucha contra la subida de las aguas.La Comisión Europea ha invertido más de 13 millones de euros en dos proyectos para asegurar el futuro de la costa....More info