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Netherlands Institute of Ecology (KNAW-NIOO-KNAW)

Dutch name: Nederlands Instituut voor Ecologie

Thesaurus terms (2) : Ecology; Research
Postbus 50
6700 AB Wageningen

Tel.: +31-(0)294-23 93 12
 Publication | Project 
Type: Scientific

The Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) focusses on basic and strategic research into individual organisms, populations, ecological communities and ecosystems. The NIOO-KNAW employs more than 250 people at three research centres and its headquarters. Research at the Centre for Estuarine and Marine Ecology (CEME) in Yerseke concentrates on ecosystems in brackish and salt water, while the Centre for Limnology (CL) in Nieuwersluis focuses on freshwater ecology. The Centre for Terrestrial Ecology (CTE) in Heteren emphasises land-based ecology. Originally, the three centres were founded in the fifties as independent institutes, but since 1992 they have joined forces to form the NIOO-KNAW.

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  • THESEUS: Innovative coastal technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate, more

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THESEUS is funded by the European Commission within FP7-THEME 6 - Environment, including climate.
Grant 244104
1 December 2009 - 30 November 2013
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