WP7 Dissemination


To assist effective dissemination  to all interested institutions and people especially in the Mediterranean and Black Sea region and the European Union, of news and information about the development of the PEGASO Project including events and publications,  products such as tools and methodologies developed, databases generated, experiences obtained and wisdom gained.


1. Support and diffuse the understanding and practice of ICZM in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions by creating a general climate-of-support by which Mediterranean and Black Sea countries could enhance their ICZM capabilities so that decisions makers are informed of the essentials of and methodologies for ICZM and that competing interest groups can discuss the issues and come to a common understanding;

2. Diffuse the intentions, approaches, methodologies, resources and findings of PEGASO to the Euro-Mediterranean- Black Sea audience of researchers,  policy-makers and other end-users.

Target institutions and communities:

  • Mediterranean Governments
  • Black Sea Governments
  • EU Institutions  and similar EU funded projects
  • Regional International Organisations other than MAP & BSC
  • Local governments and municipalities
  • Scientific and Professional Communities
  • NGO’s


Task 7.1: Awareness raising in all relevant events (P15 MEDCOAST – P17 UM5a, Month 1-48)

  • Take advantage of different internal and external events:

- Internal to the project: two workshops organised in all CASES (in the spring of 2011 and summer2012).

- External to the project: PEGASO will be presented in all relevant events with ICZM and other related topics. Additionally two international MEDCOAST conferences (MEDCOAST 09 in Sochi, Russia and MEDCOAST 11) will be especially dedicated to dissemination of PEGASO results.

  • Participation of the PEGASO participants in as many Mediterranean/Black Sea events that are organised by the third parties (such as the Coast Day event, MEDCOAST conferences and workshops, meetings of the Mediterranean Action Plan and then Black Sea Commission, meetings organised by other ongoing collaborative coastal projects) to introduce the project and to disseminate its findings. (IUCN, PAPRAC, MEDCOAST
  • Participation in all international conference relevant to PEGASO issues and scientific development (IUCN, UAB and others).
  • Organisation of the end-of-project conference (parallel to the Eleventh Bi-annual International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, MEDCOAST 13 in October / November 2013) (MEDCOAST assisted by IUCN, Plan Bleu and PAP/RAC)

Task 7.2: Awareness raising – project materials (P7 PAP-RAC - P8 IUCN, Month 1-48)

  • Produce and circulate project newsletters (e-updates) in English language: 2 per year, 8 in total (IUCN, MEDCOAST, Plan Bleu). All participants will assist in circulating the project newsletter to their international/national/regional/local/sectorial networks.
  • Produce and coordinate press releases, to be translated and circulated by participants to their networks and local/regional media (PAP-RAC)
  • Produce 1 printed project leaflet, to be updated mid-project, in the English language (Translation  into other Mediterranean and Black Sea languages will be promoted) (IUCN assisted by PAP-RAC and MEDCOAST)
  • Brochures targeting the decision makers (IUCN and Plan Bleu)
  • Posters to be used in conferences and other relevant occasions (MEDCOAST)
  • Training materials (from WP6) dissemination (PAP-RAC and MEDCOAST)
  • A short, the-end-of-the project summary document describing lessons learnt and recommendations (a peer review document providing the main findings and important results of the project) (UAB, with contributions from all other project participants)

Task 7.3: Exploitation of project results (P1 UAB – IOC UNESCO, Month 25-48)

The participants will agree to a “Next Steps Plan”, to be coordinated and produced by UAB. The purpose of the plan is to identify the key implications of the emerging project outputs, and to create the opportunity for participants to build on the project findings, both through their own networks and across the EU and beyond. Participants will take action before the end of the project in order to realise these next steps. UAB will ensure the publication of scientific papers in peer review journals.

Communication means and instruments:

  • PEGASO WebPage and Partner’s WebPages
  • Newsletter ( IUCN, MEDCOAST, Blue Plan ) (8 in 4 years) Translation of the newsletter to different languages (English, French, Arabic, Turkish, Russian…),
  • Press Release ( PAP/RAC ) (9 in 4 years)
  • Project Leaflet ( IUCN, PAP/RAC, MEDCOAST ) (One, up-dated  mid-project)
  • Brochures for Decision Makers ( IUCN, Blue Plan ) (3)
  • Scientific Publications ( including the peer-review document describing lessons learnt and recommendations )
  • Conferences, workshops and training activities organised by PEGASO
  • Meetings organised by UNEP/MAP and the Black Sea Commission,
  • Symposia, conferences and training activities organised by the third parties (such as MEDCOAST Conferences, MEDCOAST Institute, Littoral Conferences,  etc. )
  • Meetings organised by other relevant EU funded projects,
  • Special days such as the EU Maritime Day, the Mediterranean   Coast Day, the Black Sea Day.

Basic set-up and principles for external communication:

  • WebPage Editorial Board
  • Newsletter Editorial Board
  • Reduction Committees for press releases, brochures, project leaflet and posters
  • Principles for scientific and professional communication bearing PEGASO acronym (conference presentations, journal papers)
  • Partner Institutions use their e-mail databases for dissemination of PEGASO Newsletters and News Releases,
  • Dissemination (mailing) of hard copies such as the project leaflet, brochures, posters
  • Keeping track of the dissemination activities by MEDCOAST and AUB.
  • Keeping track of the symposia, conferences and meetings where PEGASO is represented by AUB.   Partners should send information about the upcoming events to AUB and indicate the significance of PEGASO presence.  Partners should submit a copy of the communication (if applicable) and a short (less than one page) meeting report to AUB.
  • Keeping track of the PEGASO born/related publications.  Partners should send a copy of such publications to AUB.


  • D7.1 External Communication Plan (M2)
  • D7.2.1 Project newsletters (M6)
  • D7.2.2 Project newsletters (M12)
  • D7.2.2 Project newsletters (M18)
  • D7.2.3 Project newsletters (M24)
  • D7.2.4 Project newsletters (M30)
  • D7.2.5 Project newsletters (M36)
  • D7.2.6 Project newsletters (M42)
  • D7.2.7 Project newsletters (M48)
  • D7.2.8 Press releases (M1)
  • D7.2.9 Press releases (M5)
  • D7.2.10 Press releases (M14)
  • D7.2.11 Press releases (M20)
  • D7.2.14 Press releases (M26)
  • D7.2.15 Press releases (M32)
  • D7.2.16 Press releases (M38)
  • D7.2.17 Press releases (M44)
  • D7.2.18 Press releases (M48)
  • D7.2.19 Project leaflet (M5)
  • D7.2.20 Project leaflet (M26)
  • D7.2.21 Project poster (M5)
  • D7.2.22 Project poster (M20)
  • D7.2.23 Project poster (M33)
  • D7.2.24 Project poster (M44)
  • D7.2.25 Brochures for decision makers (M12)
  • D7.2.26 Brochures for decision makers (M21)
  • D7.2.27 Brochures for decision makers (M33)
  • D7.3A Peer-review summary document describing lessons learnt and recommendations (M46)
  • D7.3B Next Steps Plan (M46)
EU logo PEGASO is funded by the European Union within FP7- ENV.2009. Integrated Coastal Zone Management.
Contract no. 244170
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